CHAPTER 60- Keya Aanya Kapoor

Start from the beginning

Nina's fine. 
She's only exhausted.
She gave birth to our daughter.
Our daughter.
Our little girl.
Our precious little Angel.

The words only registered my brain when she handed me our daughter and positioned her right. The time around me stopped right there.

The moment felt so surreal.
The moment felt like a dream.
The moment felt like an illusion.
The moment felt like a mere figment of my imagination.

She was so small, it left like she would slip away if I loosen my grip or even look away for a second. My eyes stayed glued on her.
She was so fucking beautiful.
She was our daughter. 
She's finally here.

"She looks exactly like you Achu..." mom whispered next to me. After god knows how long I finally glanced around. Everyone in tears, the moment still unbelievable.

"She's beautiful." Kajol said peeking over my shoulder.

"Congratulations my son," dad patted my back. 

Tears finally slipped and gave away. Our daughter is finally here. I still couldn't believe it.

"Arjun's crying, someone take a picture please." Ninu's weak voice made me snap my neck to the direction of her voice.

She smiled weakly, still in the hospital bed, IV tube attacked to her hand and two nurses standing to push her bed into the ward.

"Angel..." I whisper and more tears come flooding down.

"Now I am serious, please take a photo." she chuckled weakly. I look back to make sure our daughter was in my arms before going to her. 

"How are you?" I ask worry filling my insides again.

"I'm okay," she smiled before her eyes fall on our daughter.

"You did it," I smile handing her our little bundle of joy. The minute Ninu held her, she broke down with a smile. 

"She's got your face." she spoke in a low voice, her eyes not leaving our little one.

"She's got your hair," I say moving Ninu's hair out of her face, she chuckled in response. 

"Ma'am shall we?" the nurse asked and only then did it hit me we were still in the hallway. 

Ninu nodded and soon all of us were in the room allotted to her. 

"I am so proud of you babe." Kajol hugged her carefully. Mom, dad, Annie and Veer soon gushed over her making sure she was okay. 

She was in pain, it was very evident. And I would do anything to take it away but I suppose its all part of nature. It did hurt to look at her hurting and in pain. 

Once we settled, my Angel gave me a knowing look, I nodded for her to go ahead. 

"So, Arjun and me had a question...more specifically to Veer and Kajol." Ninu started and Kajol smiled like she already knew what was coming but of course Veer looked curious.

"Ask away," Kajol grinned.

"Kajol, Veer would you do us the honor of being our daughters god parents?" Ninu asked and lets say it knocked the living daylights off of Veer.

"YES!" he jumped when it finally soaked into him and soon engulfed me into a hug. I laughed hugging him back. "I love you apple pie," he kissed my cheek for which I pushed him off of me. "That was too much." I grumble as everyone burst out laughing and Veer hugged and kissed the top of Ninu's head. 

Kajol then hugged Ninu and whispered something to her for which she responded in her beautiful smile. Kajol then came to me, hugged me and said," Hurt her and I will torture you so much you beg me to kill you. Clear?" 

"Crystal." I reply with my arms in the air. "Good." she said sitting back down.

"Nayank you don't wanna meet your sister?" Ninu asked signaling him to come over. He jumped down dad's lap and ran to Ninu. Attempted to hug her but failed. I hoisted him up to her level, he hugged her tight. She kissed him on his cheek before ruffling his hair. 

"Say hi," Ninu said patting at the empty spot next to her for him to sit down. 

I set him down, he leaned over and very lightly touched her cheek and immediately took his hand away. 

"She's so tiny!!" he exclaimed, his eyes full of curiosity and excitement. 

"Yes but she'll soon grow so you need to protect her yes?" Ninu asked.

He nodded his head vigorously before leaning over to see her again. "Can I hold her?" 

"Yes of course," Ninu smiled and with my help, set her into Nayank and mine's arm. 

"What if she breaks?" Nayank asked still looking at her. "You need to make sure she doesn't." I say. He again nodded and kept looking at her. 

I lift my head to meet Ninu's eyes who was already looking at me. I smile, she too smiles in response. 

"What are you guys gonna name her?" Annie asked coming closer and holding Ninu's hand.

"Well, we decided to leave it to Nayank." I answered. "Are you sure?" Mom asked unsure. I nodded before calling him.

"Nayank, what's the name you've decided for your sister?"

He glanced around at us all before again focusing on her, "Keya." 

Mine and Ninu's eyes snapped to eachother and a smile broke out in our faces. 

"That's a beautiful name Nayank." mom said ruffling his hair. 
Good job buddy." dad said smiling.

"Keya..." Ninu whispered softly looking at her. 

"Keya Aanya Kapoor, it's perfect." I finished when Annie's face snapped in my direction with wide eyes. I smiled with a nod for which I got a tight hug mixed with some tears. She then went towards Ninu and hugged her as tightly as she could without causing more pain.

Everyone took turns holding our little Angel as I stood next my Angel. She rested her head on my hip, I rubbed her back soothingly. We watched as everyone fell in love with our daughter. 

I still can't believe that I was partly responsible for making something so fucking beautiful and mesmerizing. 

Ninu grunted but only loud enough for me to hear, looking down at her, "I'm good," she smiled.

Sighing, I smiled caressing the back of her hair as we continued watching everyone watching our little Angel.

Soon everyone left one by one, the nurse took Keya back into the observation room after Ninu fed her. 

"Did I tell you how proud I am of you?" I ask sitting next to her rubbing her back. She leaned her head on my shoulder, sighing she replied, "Not yet."

"Well then, I am so fucking proud of you my Angel and I love you so much that it hurts." I said pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.

"I love you." she kissed my jaw before cocooning herself in my head. 

We did it. 
She did it.
And I cannot be more proud of her as I am now. 
Now it feels like my life is finally complete. 
Just, maybe one more thing to add but its absolutely perfect for now.


Well good news is, I'm not dead. My brain definitely was. 

A very big sorry for the long long long delay but I hope you guys like it. 

So, this is the last chapter, there is one epilogue to come and possibly one or two bonus chapters but no promises on that. Seriously depends on my mood but the epilogue will be out by tomorrow night. I promise!

Please do vote and comment! Thanks for reading!!

Word count- 1836

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy and keep smiling!😃


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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