"What the fuck are you doing." She whispers in absolute panic. Whispering so Emi couldn't hear the swear word, and only Haechan could hear her.
"What the hell do you think I'm doing?" He questions her back. Looking at her as if she was stupid.
"Can you like back off a bit. You're literally invading my personal bubble?!" She says as the edges of her ears started to turn red.
"It's not like I'm planning to kiss you, weirdo. You were too busy fixing your bangs that you forgot to wear your seat belt." Said Haechan as he leans back whilst pulling on her seat belt and buckling it up for her.

"I can't start driving without ensuring everyone's safety." He said in final before starting the car.
"Who would even think of kissing you?" Kisaki's question almost sounds like she was trying to mock him. He glances at her through the rearview mirror before putting his eyes back on the road.
"You probably."

---- ☄︎. *. ⋆

"Wahhh we're finally here!!" Emi exclaims excitedly as she looks around the place. Taking in the busy and rustling surrounding.

"Which ride do you want to go on first Emi? Anything but the roller coasters." Kisaki asks. The girl too busy looking at the amusement park guide, one of her hands holding onto the pamphlet whilst the other held onto Emi's hands.
The same goes for the little girl, her left hand was holding onto Kisaki's whilst her right hand was holding onto Haechan's.
"Why can't I ride the roll coaster?" She frowns at her aunt when knowing that she wasn't allowed to go on those big rides.
"Because you're too short for them." Kisaki answers briefly. This making her niece whine.
"I'm not short!!! You're not even that much taller then me!!" Emi argues as she was able to make the male stood besides her snort. When kisaki glances over at him to give him a glare, he quickly pretends as if he was looking around the amusement park.

"I know that i did not just hear a five year old telling me that I was short. Emi, I'm nearly as tall as him." Kisaki points at Haechan, making the small girl look up at Haechan before looking back at her.
"If I'm nearly his height, you don't even come close. No roller coasters." She ended it there as it only upsets Emi even more. She stares at the front whilst pouting.
"Fine! Kiki is mean!" Emi mumbles. She was used to her aunt being strict on her. Well she barely does it cause Kisaki was usually so laid back with her, but when she does get strict, Emi didn't like it.

"Emi-chan, how about we start off with the merry-go-round? Let's start of light before we get on the more extreme ones." Haechan tries to negotiate, making sure that he wouldn't upset her even more.
"Ok!" Her mood instantly lifting up as she looks at him with a smile on her face.
"Lune are you going to come with us?" He asks as she shook her head.
"I can't stand going on a ride only for it to go around in circles. The merry-go-round makes me nauseous." She replies.
"Alright then. Me and Emi are going to head that way, we'll meet back here once we're done." He stated as she nods her head in understanding.


"Where's Kiki?" Emi asks. She and Haechan were now waiting at the meeting point where they were supposed to meet up after they were done with the merry-go-round ride.
"I don't know, she said that she'd be here. I'll try calling her." He answers before taking his phone out of his pockets and dialing her number.


"Ya where are you? Me and Emi are waiting for you at the meeting spot. Don't tell me that you got lost when you're holding that big ass tour guide?" He asks.
"No, what the fuck? I'm at the security office because I found a lost child. I'm currently waiting for their parents to come pick them up." She answers him.
"Share your location right now. Me and Emi will head there." He said before ending the call, not letting Kisaki able to say anything else.

"Did she tell you where she was at?" Emi asks once she sees that Haechan was done talking to someone on the phone.
"Yeah, your aunt is currently waiting somewhere with a lost child. Let's head over there." He said and took a hold of the little girls hands before walking to where Kisaki was at.

"Kiki!" Emi exclaims when she finally sees her aunt. Running over to see her talking to another small girl.
"Emi, how was the ride?" She replies.
"It was fun." Emi then looking at the girl who was hiding behind Kisaki as she went closer to her.
"Hii I'm Emi." She introduces herself as she waves her hands.
"Ava." The girl replies.

"Well she was a lot more talkative before the two of you arrived." Kisaki chuckles awkwardly as she tries to introduce the two girls.
"Do you want to try these chocobi chocolates that my friend Haechi gave me? I didn't get to eat it in the car because I fell asleep." Emi asks as she opens up her strawberry shaped bag. Taking out the small snack as she shows it to Ava.
"I love chocobi." Ava finally manages to talk as a huge smile made it's way onto Emi's face.

"How'd you find her?" Haechan questions as he sat down besides Kisaki. The two of them now watching as Emi and Ava talked to each other as they shared a snack between them.
"I was going to buy some food for the two of you to eat but then I found her wondering around the sidewalk alone, and she looked like she was in the verge of crying so I decided to help find her parents." Kisaki replies.
"That was very sweet of you. You've managed to stop the girl from breaking down." He says.
A frown was present on Kisaki's face.
"I know how it feels like to be left alone and abandoned in an amusement park at a young age. I don't want other kids to feel how I felt at that time." She mumbles to herself. Haechan glancing at her in pity before he reverted his gaze over to the door.

Two adults came running inside the security office with a look of relief when they saw Ava there.
"Ava, there you are! I was so worried that I wouldn't find you." Her mother exclaims in pure relief as she pulls her daughter into a hug.
"I was so scared." The girl cries as her mother rubs her back in reassurance that she was here now.
"Thank you so much for finding her, I don't know what we could do to repay you." The father spoke as he looks over at Kisaki and Haechan.
"No worries, there really is nothing that you should do in return." Kisaki spoke.

"Kiki." Emi whispers as she motions kisaki to put her ears closer to her. Kisaki leaning down to listen to her niece as she says something to her.

"Are you sure that there's something that we couldn't do? Do you want money in return?" The father questions.
"Um there is something that you could do. How about a play date between Ava and my niece Emi on a weekend? Emi looks like she wants to get to know her new friend a bit more." Kisaki answers as a smile appears on both the parents faces.
"Of course, we'll try to make that work! Honestly if you didn't mention that she was your niece, I would've assumed that she was yours and your partners kid."

Haechan and Kisaki looking at each other in distraught. Trying not to show that they were cringed out by that assumption.

"Thank you again for finding Ava. I really owe you a lot." The mother stated as she held onto Ava's hands. The family about to leave.
"Thank you again Kisaki, and bye Emi. I'll see you some other time!" Ava waves at them as she leaves with her parents.
"Bye-bye ava!!!!" Emi exclaims loudly whilst waving her hands in the air.

"You know you'd be a really good mother in the future." Haechan whispers as Kisaki smiles softly. She looks over at him before smirking to herself.
"Thanks, and you'd be a horrible father."
Haechan rolling his eyes at her playfully before nudging her arms.
"Oh shut the fuck up."

HIDDEN DISGUISES (l. donghyuck) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz