7. Love Triangles

Start from the beginning

You never anticipated witnessing a time when Fred and George Weasley would be at odds over something other than a prank gone awry. It was even more unexpected to find them competing for your attention. Recognizing the need to halt their behaviour, you realized that the only way forward might involve suppressing your emotions for Fred and the deepening bond you shared with George. Nonetheless, you couldn't help but hope for a resolution that wouldn't require you to keep your feelings hidden indefinitely.

George Weasley: 

George would often be seized by a silent surge of jealousy when he caught sight of you and Harry deep in conversation in the dining hall. Seeing you chat with Harry made him yearn to have those same moments of connection with you. Unfortunately, he often found himself pulled away from the table by Fred, missing out on those opportunities.

He was aware of his feelings for you, and he even suspected that you might feel the same way, though he lacked the courage to address the matter. Observing you as you walked alongside Harry in the corridors, he couldn't help but ponder whether you and he could ever share the same conversations and bonds that you and Harry seemed to enjoy. George knew he was a prankster, and that you'd never take the things he'd say seriously. However, he still held hope that he could find his own way to capture your attention and make you laugh just the same.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville felt quite insecure about many things when he realized he had feelings for you, but the one that bothered him the most was his jealousy concerning your relationship with Ron. He had noticed you spending a lot of time around the Golden Trio lately, and it was difficult for him to witness you growing closer to someone who most would consider only slightly braver than he was.

Neville observed from a distance, stealing glances and muttering to himself about how he would never be good enough for you. He appeared to treasure the moments when you shared classes together (as you consistently sat beside him in Herbology), and would often ask you questions about Ron and hoping to avoid the answers he dreaded. Little did he know that you had been distancing yourself from Neville due to your own growing romantic feelings. For two souls like you, one would expect that you would openly admit to your feelings sooner...

Cedric Diggory:

You and Cedric had grown pretty close over the past few weeks, though he was slightly disappointed to see that you had also caught the eye of Draco Malfoy and his goons. Your charm and wit seemed to impress the Slytherin boys, which would result in verbal sparring in between classes and across the hall. 

Cedric could feel himself slipping from your attention when you started actively walking up to the boys instead of them coming to you. He just watched on painfully as a quarter of Draco's year level flirted with you, with you failing to realise it had no effect on Cedric. It wasn't until one day it became all too much for Cedric and he openly admitted his feelings for you... leaving you to wish you had been more mindful earlier on.

Newt Scamander:

Newt worried from the second that he introduced you to Theseus that things would be over between the two of you. Not that there was anything official between you, he still found it troubling to see you getting along with him so well. He knew that he couldn't compete with a lot of people that streamed in and out of your lives, though he couldn't bare the thought of you falling for someone who he was that close to.

As he watched the two of you chat and laugh, you could tell that his worry grew. You later shared with him that you're feelings were for him and him alone, a breath of relief for Newt. While the doubt may still have been crawling around in his mind due to your undeniable chemistry with Theseus, you knew that you'd spend the rest of your relationship convincing Newt that you only had eyes for him.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian hated that you were paired with Garreth Weasley for your potions assignment. He knew that the two of you would get along greatly, and considering how you shared very similar interests, he knew it was only a matter of time before the two of you started to like each other. 

You were confused as to why Sebastian was giving you the silent treatment. He had constructed this make-believe romance between you and Garreth and that seemed to be what was bothering him. You told him over and over again that 'it wasn't like that' with Garreth, and that Sebastian needed to calm down. Though considering how Sebastian felt about you, you knew for a fact there would be no calming down until the assignment was over. You just didn't have the heart to tell him that he was probably right about his inkling...

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis was practically in love with you by the end of fifth year, but nothing scared him more than the prospect of you feeling that way towards his best friend. The three of you had grown so close over the course of the year that both boys were entirely unsure of how you felt about them. Your affections towards both of them were very clear, though you were never upfront with who you were attracted to.

It wasn't until one day when you were alone with Ominis that you finally admitted to having feelings for him. Hearing the news he so desperately wanted to hear was a breath of fresh air... he just didn't know how he was going to break it to his best friend. He hoped that the hot-headed Sebastian would be happy for the two of you, rather than upset over the fact that Ominis had finally found love for himself.

Garreth Weasley:

You weren't quite aware of the feud going on between Garreth and Leander, though the entire school practically knew the two of them were secretly fighting over you. Whispers would erupt down the hallway when you walked to class with one or the other, groups of friends having placed their bets on who you'd end up with. Leander knew when to turn on the charm and how to woo you, but while he was nice when he needed to be, nothing could compare to the relationship and special bond that you shared with Garreth.

You and Garreth could talk to each other about anything and everything under the sun. When you were together, it was like watching two old friends laughing together like they had known each other their whole lives. Leander's affection for you was more superficial than anything... but Garreth - what Garreth felt for you was pure love.

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