Guarding her Angel

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I want to make a story of jumbled moments in the life of Lestat and OC. This one is set in the book The Vampire Armand and contains spoilers for that book.


My cheeks felt warm, fresh from a kill. A man I had been watching for some weeks, a no good, bad man. I walked into the convert to get out of the summer heat and headed straight for where I normally do.

Up the stairs to the chapel, a book in hand. I opened the doors, a creaking noise greeted me and I saw my maker laid out on the chapel floor like he had been for months. My beautiful angel went through the hardships he went through. I greeted him but, like always, had nothing in response. He didn't talk, didn't eat, didn't move, just laid there silently.

I moved to the back of the chapel, a blanket I had discarded last night was still in its place. I placed it over my legs and sat down, legs bent up and my book was placed on them.  I opened it, intending to read like mortals do, slow to take in all the words. Not only that, but I wondered how many books I could get through before my angel moved again.

I missed him terribly, but I knew that I wanted to keep him company until that time even if he didn't acknowledge me.

I sat there for the remainder of the night, invested in my book, my head looking up every so often at Lestat. My heartbreaking to see him in this state, until the time came when I could sense the sun coming.

I placed my marker back  in my book, put it down with the blanket and moved to cover up access to the sun. Making sure none would get in. Once I had sorted that I moved towards my maker.

I  Sat down in front of him and gently brushed his mad hair away from his eyes. That mad blonde hair that he allowed me to play with when I was newly turned. I bent my head down and placed a kiss on his forehead.

“ See you tomorrow, my angel.” I whispered to him and then set out to go to sleep.

One more fledgling in the mist/ One Shots Lestat De Lioncourt Where stories live. Discover now