"Abhi-" - she changed his beautiful name as a mantra since how long.


They used to smile together,their every creepy moments had happened together,their every tease,every laughter,every fun,every prank,were together,every slight enjoyment were with each other.

Every single merth of ecstacy had been together.

Was it meant to last forever?

Maybe or maybe not.


There was a slight knock on the door,with a soft voice "Akshu,go and say it all to your Abhi."

No,it was not a person by reality,it was just the concious of her,that was provoking the feelings of her heart,forcing her to confess it today or maybe she will lose him forever or ever.

But what about his fiancé?Will she not be hurt?He has moved on,right?So,with which right and demeanour will she go to him?Who was she to him?

"He has moved on,Akshu but you haven't.Give it a try!Maybe it's the very same way how he feels for you somewhere." - the voice laced with so concern,that it was soothening her heart a little much.

It was not that she never got this much of love,but this was different.

"I need to confess." - she imposed the command to herself,walking straight away from the house.


She was swiftly,dragging herself on the rainy streets of Udaipur,her body drenched.

As a maiden,she had loved rain so much,maybe because she enjoyed it.

But now,it was pretty much favourite to her,as it declined the presence of her tears that flowed constant.

Yes,she has changed since he left.

In no time,she was in front of his house,her mind debating on whether to walk ahead,or back off.

But then the courage with which she walked till here, would be a waste of time then.

Her gaze was getting blurry,she was hallucinating.

All that was visible to her was a figure of a man,with a white shirt on his chest,and brown lowers,busy on his phone.

"Abhi..." - a soft whisper escaped her lips.

And she could feel his movement towards him.

She walked closer.

"Akshara,you here?" - he spoke,lifting her in his arms,as she seemed weak enough.

"Abhi" - she chanted his name times.

"Sit here." - he helped her sit on the stairs.

"Abhi,you are getting married?"

"Umm...how come you get to know that?"

"Social media."

Her own eyes shedding hot tears by now.



"But what,Akshara?" - his frown doubling in doubt.

And she stood there,getting again drenched in the rain,tears constantly again flowing by her eyes.

"Akshara, complete that."

"BUT I LOVE YOU NA ABHI" - she screamed,her voice laced with more and more love.

"Akshara?" - he speculated.

"Yes,Abhi,I was not lying when I said that." - she craned her neck to turn to him.

Merths To MournsWhere stories live. Discover now