Merths to Mourns

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Hello everyone,
This is my very first OS book,so please support and vote,enjoy reading!💕

ALERT - This book contains highly dark reality,and suicidal thoughts along with attempts of the same,so please read with your choice,and decision.

Akshara sat down with a deep thud on the floor - not being able to breathe in an even tone.Her own breath hitching,and intermittent,her heart could not expect what she saw the very moment.

"Dr.Abhimanyu Birla engaged to Miss.Anamika Purohit today."

This had nothing but just the power to itch her heart and splatter it into parts.Tears involuntarily flowing past her cheeks.

Her own body was not in support,as she leaned over the bed,hot and fresh tears flowing constantly.

"Why?why?why?" - she screamed."Why Abhi,why?"

No,it was not her inner instinct,but the love she had for him since the very beginning,but now-

There were no scopes to them for lifetime together,no way.

Heaven sake,if she would have confessed,maybe this won't have happened.

"Abhi-" - his name so soft-spoken with love laced into it.

Her state of mind losing it's balance,while she starred blankly at the floor.


If she would have just confessed a little earlier,maybe it would have been her instead of his current fiancé,they would have bonded for life,they might be together.But there were not.And that hurts.

Her gaze was fixated on the blank floor,which stood still,with no movement.

She reminscienced.

The very moments from months ago.


"Abhimanyu,eat it neatly na." - she pleaded.

"And how is your neat and clean?" - his brow raised.

"you see, like this-" - she took a bite tidily, flaunting.

"Okay but there's nothing to flaunt about,dear." - he chuckled.

"There is." - she stood closer.

"And what's that?" - his hands gripping on his own waist.

"That I eat neatly and you don't." - she smirked cutely.

"You-" - and he ran after her, swiftly.

"You are more than a patient of mental asylum." - throwing daggers,she went past.


Those were the days when they were so confided in each other,to pay attention to the world.All that was common but noticeable was that they had spent so much of time together in the hostel,simply enjoying themselves.

His company and partnership was no doubt-crease,the best thing to happen in her while ecstasy of life.

And her company?Oh,damn!The best to him, regardless of her chirpy conduct the whole day,it was his damn favourite.

It was so beautiful and alluring then,for life- it would be the cherished moments of all but were things the very same?

No damn,no!

Abd this hurted her even more.

Her eyes trembling with numbness, totally traumatized, constant tears dropping down past her cheekbones,her nose red(that was no doubt his cutest thing to tease about),and her body stiff.

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