Extra: I meant bad shivers (p. 2)

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One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.

— Jack Kerouac, "The Dharma Bums"

Kettleburn, even more disheveled than usual, appeared in the Club a few hours later, causing everyone to tense up

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Kettleburn, even more disheveled than usual, appeared in the Club a few hours later, causing everyone to tense up. Penny's grip on a vial slipped, Talbott made an untimely gesture with his hand, and the cauldron with the potion almost toppled onto the floor. Even the seniors flinched, hiding behind their books. And then...

"Young folks, where's my Occamy?"

That was the booming question that greeted us as we rushed into the room, faster than the world's fastest broomstick. Liz and I carefully cradled a large nest where Squawk comfortably coiled around a few silver eggs. Some of the silver paint had already peeled off as if singed by fire.

Charlie nervously giggled. Just a moment longer!

"P-Professor Kettleburn, how... how wonderful to see you, sir! And you still have both — ugh, I mean — one of your eyes!"

Kettleburn straightened up proudly, mechanically twirling his mustache.

"Yes, indeed, Mr Weasley. And I see that you've made Squawk's stay in the Club even more pleasant by finding a few eggs that resemble Occamy's. You must know that Occamies value their eggs greatly and will stay with them no matter what," then sniffed deeply. "By the way, where is this smell of smoke coming from?"

"Huh, smoke? Where?"

"Perhaps it was just your imagination, Professor? I don't smell anything. How about you, Mia?"

"What, smoke? No, why would that be?"

Kettleburn looked at us suspiciously, but Penny intervened just in time, holding up a few bottles in her hands.

"It must be coming from my cauldron. Care for a Laughing Potion, Professor?"

Kettleburn chuckled and shook his head. His artificial hand reached for the nest where Squawk peacefully rested, while his other hand gestured to the side. We followed his gaze and broke into exhausted smiles. Sweets! An entire chest of sweets!

We watched Kettleburn go, making sure Squawk didn't disappear again. The idea with the Occamy eggs was brilliant: Jae got us a couple of ostrich eggs and some silver paint, and within minutes, we had nearly lifelike Occamy eggs. Just had to wait for Squawk to see this masterpiece!

To stage our performance, we waved our wands back and forth, casting Incendio, the fire spell. Onlookers in the courtyard must have thought we were completely bonkers.

"...and Squawk thought we were a threat to the eggs," excitement filled the air, and Barnaby even jumped in suspense. "That's how we caught him in the nest. As Kettleburn mentioned, Occamies never abandon their eggs."

Barnaby clapped his hands, and the others followed suit, clapping slowly. Our mouths were filled with sweets — Bertie Bott's, Droobles, and Sugar Quills. Tonks found herself caught in a bet, this time with Jae: she had to stuff at least three caramel bombs into her mouth. Jae didn't even know he was doomed to lose, as Tonks' mouth widened to the size of a Leucrotta's.

"Who wants some Laughing Potion?"

All eyes turned to Penny, who had already set out cups on the divination tables. Someone had thought ahead and discreetly removed the crystal balls, for which I was grateful — no need to worry about hasty repairs.

"And also," Haywood playfully continued, "Talbott and I came up with a game."

Winger detached himself from the wall and waved his wand, lifting a large, round cauldron into the air. When it finally settled in the center of the room, I saw dozens of small, multicolored orbs — green, gold, and other colors that I couldn't name. Liz bravely reached into the cauldron and plucked out the first one. Its liquid contents shimmered mysteriously.

"The book had so many wonderful potions that I couldn't resist!" Penny beamed, all the attention fixed on her. She was truly enchanting. "Each orb contains a potion, but it's impossible to guess which one. And it's equally impossible to predict its effects. Well, step right up!"

Liz swallowed the orb first. She blinked absentmindedly, and then suddenly yelped, clutching her throat. I noticed a few thin slits on her body, resembling gills, and a thin membrane connecting her fingers.

"Liz!" Barnaby exclaimed in alarm. "Is Liz dying?!"

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