Chapter 1: Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Arc, not surprised to see you here,"

Jaune turned to look at the person only to see none other than Headmaster Theodore. Jaune was surprised to see him here, but at the same time, didn't care why he was there. "What are you here for, Sir?" Jaune asked.

"Wondering why you're here in this place, Mr. Arc," Theodore told him.

The Bartender then approached the Headmaster, "What can I get you, sir?" He asked.

"Rum and coke please," Theodore said.

Jaune simply smiled at the Headmaster's order and took a sip of his own before finally answering the older man. "Isn't it obvious?" He asked the Headmaster. "I'm here to drink my sorrows away,"

Theodore sighed, "I can't blame you, Mr. Arc, you're not the first man to drink away his pain, nor do I doubt, you will be the last," Theodore said.

Jaune looked at him, "You here to kick me out of Shade?" he asked.

"In a sense, yes," Theodore said, "Tonight is you're "Final" night as a Student of Shade Academy"

Jaune raised a brow at him, "Why are you saying it like that?" Jaune asked.

The Bartender brought Thedore his Rum and coke and Theodore thanked the man Theodore smiled at the young man, "Because Mr. Arc... I need you for something, something that only you can do," He told the young man.

"And what's that?" Jaune asked with a peered glare.

"For the past couple of weeks I've investigated the Crown, a small organization that CFVY ran into on their own mission on the forms of Carmine Escolados and Bertilak Celadon, and yet I can not uncover anything, which is why I need you," Theodore said.

"Me?" Jaune asked with a chuckle, "What could I possibly do for you? You're forgetting who I am and my countless failures as a team leader, so, what could a fuck up like me, do to help stop these people?" He asked.

Theodore took a drink and then set it down as he looked at Jaune, "During my investigation and a statement in CFVY's report, I believe they are hunting after people who have unique and powerful quirks... you are able to boost yourself and others, A rare and powerful semblance, a semblance that I'm sure the Crown would be very interested in," Theodore told him.

Figuring out what the Headmaster was getting at, Jaune smiled and took a drink of his drink before he slammed the glass down on the counter, still smiling. "You want me to go undercover, use my semblance to get in, and relay information back to you about whatever plans they have, right?" Jaune asked.

Theodore nodded, "Correct,"

Jaune scoffed, "Figures," He said, "Do all headmasters manipulate their students into doing dangerous things for "The Greater good"? Or for their "Destinies"?" Jaune asked.

Theodore let out a sigh, "Mr. Arc... I understand how you feel, believe it or not, I detest this part of my job," He told the blonde, "I hate the lies, the deceit, and the secrets... I wish I could tell the truth about what really is going on behind the scenes, I wish I could, but I know that if people knew if they discovered what truly lies in the darkness, they wouldn't be able to handle it," He finished.

Jaune looked at him, "What is happening behind the scenes, Headmaster?" Jaune asked, his tone laced with venom.

Theodore took another drink before answering, "In due time, Mr. Arc," He said, "I will tell you in due time, but know this... There is a war coming, Mr. Arc, I don't know when and I don't know who we'll be fighting, but it's coming, and I believe we'll need you," He said.

With that, Theodore left a lien bill on the table for the bartender, got up from his seat, and made his way out.

Jaune twirled his drink in his glass and looked at it as it slowly swirled around, "You didn't come to me for this just because I have a powerful semblance... what else is there?" Jaune asked, not looking at the headmaster as he drank.

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