The other schools were scheduled to arrive at Hogwarts by the end of October, so she didn't even have that much time to prepare for it. There was one good news though —but if anyone heard her say that aloud she was sure she was going to be expelled from the team— there was no Quidditch this year, due to the pitch being used for one of the tasks, the Head Boy had informed her; and also because it would be distracting from the actual tournament. To be real, it didn't change Cassie's life that much, since she was very positive she wasn't going to play this year either, but it did remove the pressure and the time spent in training, and that made the world of difference to her.

Days passed by more quickly than Cassie would like them too, between classes and making sure everything was in order when the others schools arrived, she didn't even have time to pay attention to her surroundings. She wanted to have the time to sit down and have a nice chat with Olivia and Grace, ask them more about their life than the simple conversations they usually held before going to bed. She wanted to pay more attention to Roger, who unless they were paired together to patrol the school at night, they barely had time to spend together, since both had such busy schedules.

But most importantly, she wanted to have time to find out what Fred and George were doing.

It had not gone over her head the way that those two started to be more secretive over the past month, even going as far as changing conversation whenever she happened to be around. It was curious. But the last straw was finding them, out of their own free will, in the library. Those two were plotting something.

They were hurdling around a book, their backs to her when she decided enough was enough, she didn't like to be kept in the dark.

"What are you two doing?" she asked, making them jump in response. She took a quick look at the book. "And with an Advanced Potions book? You two are not even taking Potions this year."

They looked at each other, and after having what looked like a telepathic argument, Fred grabbed her arm and urged her to sit down with them, hiding behind the book. "It's a secret." he started. "And if we tell you, you have to leave your prefect's badge at the door. This is off the record, alright?" She looked at him with a smile on her face, holding a giggle, but changed completely when finding that they both looked dead serious.

"Is this something illegal that will get you both into trouble?" she asked, but she already knew the answer.

"When is it not?" George said, a cheeky grin on his face, she simply sighed and held out her hand like she was about to make a pledge.

"Alright, I swear not to tell anybody." This seemed to convince them. "Now, spill."

It was George who took the lead. "We're going to enter the Triwizard tournament." she blinked, and had a hard time processing the information.

"But you're sixteen, you have to be older than seventeen."

"We will be seventeen." he said now, in a cryptic tone, holding a laugh, like if there was some joke that Fred and him were on that she was privy to.

"Your birthday is in April." Was she missing something?

"Cassie," Fred finally took pity on her and decided to fill her in. "We are making an Ageing potion, to cross over the age line. What do you think? Smart, huh?" he raised his eyebrows twice while having the biggest proud smile, Cassie couldn't help but laugh, quickly being scolded by the librarian.

"That is the dumbest idea I have ever heard." she told them, wiping the few tears that she had shed while laughing.

"It's not, It's brilliant." George said, defensively. "You're just jealous that you didn't think about it yourself."

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