A day at the carnival

Start from the beginning

- You noticed her reaction when you guys walked by a stuffed bunny, so you made it a point to win it for her. Heather was flustered and embarrassed about it. She kept the bunny in her purse the whole time but she was going to cuddle it when she got home.

- She let loose once you guys got on the bumper cars. She challenged you, and had fun speeding through the area. Afterwards, you kept laughing at each other and told jokes.

- Afterwards, you guys went to a restaurant to end the day.

- Emma enjoys the carnival, mainly to watch the fireworks with you. So, you both made sure to end the day with sitting on the Ferris wheel to kiss and watch the fireworks.

- Emma kept dragging you to play ring toss, darts, and Skee-ball. She collected all the prizes to sort later on. You just gave her your prizes, since she liked them more than you did.

- She munched on caramel popcorn while you went on rides together and watched the parade. She was fascinated by all the music and costumes. One of them gave out balloons, so she kept it.

- While you watched the fireworks together, she cuddled you tightly and didn't want to let go. She nearly fell asleep on you during the ride.

- Lots of selfies through everything you do together! She'll take pictures of the both of you riding the rollercoaster, playing games, etc. She would also drag you to the Photo Booth.

- You had matching face paintings. You both went for a fairy themed, and Kitty kept gushing over how cute you were.

- Her favorite part of the carnival was watching the shows. The clowns were hilarious and her stomach hurt by the time it was over.

- Afterwards, you ended the night with getting more cotton candy to munch on while you rode the Ferris wheel.

- Mike's favorite thing to do at the carnival is go to the mini petting zoo. He finds all the animals cute, especially the white duck that was there. He took pictures by the duck and did silly poses.

- Mike would feel bad if you get scared of heights. He'll hold your hand to comfort you then give you a hug afterwards to say he's glad you faced your fear.

- You won most of the prizes for him, which consisted of piñata fillers. He thought they were adorable, so he still keeps them on his shelf.

- Afterwards, you both kissed on the bench while watching the fireworks.

- Mal was excited to go to the carnival because that meant thrilling events and rides. He likes to play carnival games too.

- Mal gets embarrassed to go to the Photo Booth, because he doesn't like to take pictures in public. However, you insisted on taking one and he did just that for you. He secretly liked taking pictures and wanted to take more. The one photo you guys took, he keeps on his nightstand. However, he hides it whenever you come over.

- Mal had way too much fun on the bumper cars. He sped, and made sure to knock everyone off their cars. You had to talk him out of causing more trouble.

- Afterwards, you both went somewhere to rent a movie to watch at his place since you were staying the night over. You cuddled until you fell asleep.

- Scott gets scared on some of the rides like rollercoasters or bumper cars but will still try them out with you. He rode with you in the bumper car, while you drove. He screamed the whole time.

- "Scott! You didn't have to scream so close to my ears. They hurt." You groaned, rubbing your head.
"Sorry honey." Scott chuckled, kissing your cheek.

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