Seraph's Kiss| Anniversary Cover Ups

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- T A T E -

Never knew that doing my usual routine would be this boring, I massage my temple in annoyance as I stare at the mountains of paper works waiting for me to spare them attention. Standing up from my office chair I raised my brow that the offending objects as if they've intentionally walk into my table and accumulate there to frustrate me further but I am not that childish I know I'll be able to find time to finish them up but not now.

Everything was perfect few months back but not until that man came and ruined my life. He was like an angel that swept me off my feet, the only one that made me feel like I could never find the same happiness I felt with him, made me believe that we could last forever only to find out that forever for him means one night stand.

Yes you heard that right!

After months of dating and courtship and shit like that, the devil seem to possess him to spew bullshits about how much he loves me and how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life proving it to me then when he got the chance the fucker just threw me right unto the bed, fuck me raw then wulah the next morning I was left alone, naked in bed with bruises and sore ass. What a great way to realize that that happiness was just a onetime experience. Did I say one night stand?

Fuck! I can't even consider it as one night stand, hell! We had a spark!

But now that I've think about it I've realized that probably everything was just a lie, he hurt me after he had his ways then left me because who the fuck stays right after you banged someone up so good that you just made them passed out? Well obviously him!

The bastard really knows how to push all my buttons and to say that I am pissed off was an understatement I was enraged. After he had his way on me the bastard had the guts to even fucking leave a souvenir?

The nerve!

I sighed deeply as I glance at the sleeping babe on my bed. I adore the thing that he left me with though it's just the fact that they almost look the same is what grind my gears.

After almost 3 months of fending off for myself, my cravings and cramps at last the thing that the bastard left baking inside me came out healthy and so cute. It was a baby boy I named Callum, he has a blazing red hair and red eyes, have I already mentioned that he has this cute little bat wings? Yeah that's probably the only thing that he got from me, but hey I'm still hoping that he'll grow up more to be like me than his asshole of a father.

But -Oh! Where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself. Well, my name is Tate Gregorium the next successor of the Northern gates. What is that you say? It's the northern gate of Hell. You see you humans really are clueless you obviously didn't know that hell has more than one gate for different level of sins.

Back to my explanation, so as I've said I am the successor of the Northern Gates meaning there are also other gates namely Southern, Western and Eastern. The most brutal and hideous crimes are beyond my Gates so if you happen to see me waiting for you on the gates, you'll know what to expect-extreme torture that is beyond your human mind could take.

Seraph's Kiss: Tate & Zach [MXM]*Completed*Where stories live. Discover now