Chapter 9: Attack on Xyrus part 4

Start from the beginning

"Welcome to the party, Arthur. You're just in time," I jeered, satisfied with the calm timbre of my voice.

He said nothing as he continued his way towards me at a suspensefully slow pace.

My gaze shifted from Arthur to the obsidian dragon behind him. I had read in a book that the dragon race had already gone extinct from being hunted down. I would normally be more taken aback, but at this point, compared to the terrifying intensity emanating from Arthur, his dragon looked no more threatening than a common lizard.

His steps never faltered, never swayed, as he approached the bell tower. I couldn't make out what sort of expression he had, his eyes were covered by his bangs.

The atmosphere was deathly silent, as even the senseless mana beasts that Draneeve controlled instinctively knew to prostrate in submission.

"Impressive pet. Did you think it could help you now? Look around you! All of this, it was done by me! The professors that were so highly regarded? I stepped on them like disease-ridden pests," I chuckled, taking a few steps toward the boy I once regarded my equal.

The dragon behind him let out a deafening roar that made the surrounding audience wince in fear, but I didn't.

No. As much as I hated to admit, it wasn't the dragon that gave me this feeling of unease; it was Arthur.


"So even a dragon of the Indrath clan, albiet young and weaker than most, didn't faze him, but Arthur did?" Virion spoke out this time.

"Yup. Just imagine how angry he could've been for that to be possible." The Librarian said, and Virion nodded.

He was extremely angry too, seeing how somebody had harmed his granddaughter, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He could only hope Arthur hurt him for what he did. (Whos gonna tell him?)


Unaffected by my taunts, he wordlessly made his way towards me.

Some of the students had already defeated Draneeve's minions, only a few mana beasts remained on my side. However, they were petrified in fear; whether that was due to Arthur or the Dragon, I will never know.

As he got closer, it dawned on me...

He wasn't even looking at me. His gaze was never directed at me!


At this, Regis burst into laughter.

"Oh man, that was so funny. It must have been so embarrassing!" Regis cackled, his form shaking in Caera's lap as he tried and failed to supress his laughter.

"Shut it, mutt. He may have been a fool for doing something like this, but he's still the brother of a lance like me." Bairon told him, hate visible in his eyes as stared at the dog.

"Shut up, Zeus wannabe. You are not that strong, your like a spark plug." Regis told him, using foreign terms on the now confused Bairon.


My feet stayed glued to the ground, stunned, as he simply strode past, ignoring me and everyone else here.

How dare he!

I could easily crush him right now; he should be pleading, begging for me to spare him and his friends.

But instead, he had the audacity to treat me like air?

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