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"COMING!" Felix yelled down to Jeongin, who was waiting at the bottom of his stairs. Felix quickly did his tie before he grabbed his bag from his bed and exited his room, shutting his door behind him and running down the stairs.

He ran to the front door, bending down to quickly tie his shoes on, he then slung the bag over his back and ran into the kitchen. Grabbing a slice of toast off the plate.

"Bye mom." Felix said as he hugged his mother.

"Bye sweetie." She said as she ruffled his hair. Felix smiled before he grabbed Jeongin's wrist and they left, slamming the door behind them and walking to school together.

When they arrived at school, Felix had just finished his toast as he wiped the crumbs off his hands, onto his shirt.

His other friends, Han and Seungmin were waiting for them by the gate of the school.

"Guys quickly! We have a substitute for our form room and it's Mr Kang and you know how strict he is so hurry." Seungmin said as he grabbed Felix hand and dragged him along. Han doing the same with Jeongin.

They quickly arrived inside form as soon as the bell rang, bending down and panting, out of breath.

They went to their normal seats, at the back, as they sat down and started talking about random stuff.

Suddenly, they walked in as all eyes were on them.

"Ugh. It's them" Jeongin said, disgusted.

"Why are you late? The bell rang 5 minutes ago." Mr kang said sternly.

Hyunjin, the baddest one of them all, scoffed.

"Come on sir, that was 5 minutes. It's not like it's 10 minutes or 20 minutes." Hyunjin said as his friends snickered behind him.

"Don't argue with me!" Kang raised his voice.

"Please come back here at break and we will have a chat." He continued.

"No! I won't come here actually." Hyunjin said as everyone started whispering.

"PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE! NOW!" Kang shouted.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he pushed past his friends and exited the classroom. Going to the male's bathroom to hang around in there instead.

"Sit down boys." Kang said as he cleared his throat and fixed the jacket of his suit, before he sat down at the computer. The boys, Hyunjin's friends, just sat down at their usual seats at the front and started talking.

"How can he behave like that?" Han asked, shocked.

Felix shrugged.

"He's done worse before, y'know." Seungmin said.

"One time he even got the police involved." Jeongin said as the others nodded, signalling they remember that.

"Well, you never know what could be going on at home. You know, in stories and movies the bully is always having a hard time at home and outside of school." Felix said.

"True, but I doubt that Hyunjin has a hard life. I mean, I should never judge without really knowing. But... you know. I've seen his parents around and they seem nice." Jeongin said. Felix just hummed.

They just changed the topic and started talking about something else.


Lunch rolled round quicker then usual. Felix and Jeongin had just had science together, they quickly exit their science room as they go downstairs, down the hallway, and enter the cafeteria.

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