The accident

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Latrix Pov

It was a beautiful night, the moon was shining beautifully and my family and I were returning from the amusement park. My family was quite rich, so we were among the lucky ones to have a car, considering that we lived in the year 1802, not many people could afford a car. My parents were in front and singing, and my sister was in the back of the car. I join them. My younger sister Odetrix sings loudly and was very happy, her olive skin shone beautifully in the moonlight, her big brown eyes shone with happiness, I smile at her weaker. I don't know why but I have a very unpleasant feeling I feel as if something bad could happen, but all these thoughts disappear when my younger sister takes my pale hand in her small and frail one.

"What's bothering you?" she asked, smiling. 

"Nothing, absolutely nothing."

 "Can you braid my hair when we get home?"

 "Of course"

 I always liked to braid her wavy and brown hair, I had black wavy hair and very long, my sister hair is up to her shoulders, her hair is longer than that but because of her curls her hair is higher.

''Yey!!'' she shouted happily.

 I looked in front where my parents are and I see a strong light approaching us and I didn't even have time to process what was happening as I hear my mother shouting and I hear a crash and everything goes black.

I open my eyes and feel pain all over my body and hear slow crying, I look to my left and see my sister covered in blood. I start to panic and I approach her even though my body hurts a lot and I hug her tightly.

 ''Are you okay?'' I asked repeatedly, feeling like I was going to cry too.

"I'm fine, this is not my blood," says my sister, crying louder.

 I look forward and to my horror I see my parents covered in blood, my father with his head split in two and my mother with her neck broken. I'm scared and terrified but I have to do something and I can't let my sister see that I'm scared because I know that will scare her even more. 

"First we have to get out of the car, do you agree with me?" 

My younger sister sniffs and nods her head. I wipe her tears and smile reassuringly. I opens her door and to my happiness it opens easily, I get out first and I also help Odetrix to get out of the car. When we leave the car I ask 

''Does anything hurt?'' she shakes her head as a sign that it doesn't 

''Come on up'' I smile and climb her on my back me. It was dark outside but the moonlight lights my way the forest was dark and dense.

''What.......What do we do now?" my sister asks.

 "We were looking for a place to spend the night or even to stay.''

I've been walking for almost two hours and I think my body will give out. Odetrix is ​​sleeping on my back and my back is wet because of her tears, she cried for almost an hour until she fell asleep. I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm only 7 years old and Odetrix is ​​5 years old I don't know what I can do, I can't work, I'm too young, no one will want to hire me. I have to protect my sister. I'm caught in my thoughts and I don't realize when I get in a village. I happily start walking faster and not long after I come across a big tent and from it comes out a tall and thin man dressed like a magician and with a black mustache. I head towards him quickly. He looked towards us and seeing us full of blood and how small we were, he didn't even ask us who we were or what we were doing he just took us to the tent.

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