Hair Dye Extravaganza (Bill Kaulitz)

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"Hm?" Bill hummed as he heard his name, walking in the doorway to the bathroom to see you with boxes in your hand.

"Wanna help me dye my hair?" You asked, looking at him through the mirror as you got the bottles ready.

"Sure, what color?" Bill nodded with a smile, taking the bottle and shaking it as you showed him the box.

"Just fixing up my old one." You shrugged, Bill gesturing for you to sit down on the edge of the tub as he put on gloves.

"You made a great decision coming to me." Bill joked with a smile, pulling the glove band to make a slapping sound in his wrist.

"I regret this already." You sighed, Bill shushed you before he squirted the dye on your hair, his eyes widening as he put too much.

"Bill, what did you do?" You asked, trying to look back at him, moving your head as some dye slipped off your head and onto the floor.

"Trust the process." Bill grabbed your head, moving it to face away from the mirror and dye on the floor.

"Ow- Asshole, you're pulling my hair." You slapped his arm from where you could, the boy laughing as he dodged your attack as he ran his fingers through your hair to get the dye in.

"It'll look good after, trust me." Bill messed up your hair, styling it with the dye in it to make a mohawk as you sat there.

"You're making knots!" You yelled, laughing at Bill as he took off his gloves.

"How long do we wait?" You asked, Bill looking on the back of the box as you put your head over his shoulder to see.

"Shit, that's cold." Bill jumped away from you, when you put your head on his shoulder the dye from your hair had touched his neck.

"It's in my hair, I know it is." You shook your head, Bill pushing your face away with his hand.

"It says thirty minutes. We can wait that long." Bill nodded, reading over the directions.

"Your hands are stained." You noticed, Bill looking at you confused before he looked down and saw his hands, despite being gloved, were now dyed to match your hair.

"How do I get this out?! My hands look like a goddamn explosion." Bill ran his hands under the water, trying to scrub off the dye as you laughed at him.

"Have fun." You waved over your shoulder, a towel around your shoulders as you walked over to your room to annoy Tom while the dye went through.


"You're drowning me!"

"Shut up and let me do my job!" You and Bill bickered, you were leaning over the tub as he sprayed your hair with the hose-type shower head.

"It's cold! It's cold!" You yelled when the water suddenly turned cold, reaching for the knob to turn it hotter.

"You're gonna burn yourself and you'll be the one to drown." Bill grabbed your arm, practically wrestling with you to get the dye out.

"Close your eyes and hold your breath." Bill ordered, noticing as the dye seeped over to your eyes.

"What-" you tried to look at him before you were stopped as he sprayed your face with the shower head.

"You're trying to fucking murder me!"

"I'm not!"

Tom walked by the bathroom, the door open so he could see inside.

He gave you both barely a glance, walking past before he abruptly did a double take at his brother water-boarding you.

"What did they do?" Tom asked, laughing as Bill tried to get the dye out of your hair, making the water turn colored as you almost entirely soaked.

"They won't stay still." Bill said as you guys looked up, Tom had to stop and try not to laugh at the sight of you completely soaked and sitting between his brother's legs.

"The dye! The dye!" Bill yelled as some dye got on his pants, panicking and spraying your hair, forgetting you weren't leaning over the tub.

"Yo! You'd suck as a hairstylist!"

Tom closed the bathroom door on you guys, standing there for a moment and contemplating before ultimately deciding to leave you guys be.


"This better?" Bill asked as he stood beside you, your eyes closed as he blow dries your hair.

"Considering you almost killed me, it is." You shook your head at Bill, the oncoming headache about to be killer.

"I did great though. It looks nice." Bill smiled, kissing the side of your head as he ran a brush through your hair and dried it.

"It better, considering what I went through." You said, sitting there almost impatiently as he finished drying your hair.

"It looks nice. Look." Bill smiled at his work, helping you stand up and giving you a mirror he used to do his makeup with.

"Hey, it actually does." You nodded, smiling at yourself in the mirror as you ran your hand through your newly dyed hair.

"See? I do a great job." Bill smiled, hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek.

You smiled, pulling your head away from him as he tried to get you to come back, grabbing your sides to get you to laugh.

"Your methods are questionable, Bill."

"But they get the job done."

You guys then stopped, freezing as you heard a yell come from the bathroom.

"What the fuck- who did this too the bathroom?!"

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