Part 2

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"Ah..whats your favourite colour?" 

Agatha scoffed, "that's a question? That doesn't say anything about a person."
Tedros shrugged and leaned hesitantly back into his seat, he'd spend the first ten minutes of their interaction fiddling with his pen and had, to Agatha's surprise, inched closer to her when she moved her seat back. "I think it can tell a lot about a person."
"Sure you do."
Tedros watched her wearily, he seemed off, did he seem off?
"Well I just think that—" he struggled to find his words and resorted to running his hand through his hair in an attempt to look "natural".
Agatha just gaped at him.
It was strange his demeanour, never had she seen him so nervous, agitated even. Tedros, like most ever boys,thrived in charming people and making girls swoon (Tedros being particularly good at the last one).  But today he was a different person or perhaps a different version of himself he kept buried under his regular princey persona.
Agatha sighed.
Tedros livened up from this response, his eyes met hers with such eagerness and interest that you'd think she was talking about anything but her favourite colour. "Really, we'll I just assumed it would be black—"
" a darker blue."
Tedros cocked an eyebrow.
"Royal blue?" He said, a hint of smugness beneath his grin.
Agatha tried to ignore the urge to fling her book at him. Instead her face and possibly her chest flushed a deep scarlet.
This seemed to please Tedros because he was completely giddy when she looked back up at him.
"Alright you then." frowned Agatha.
Tedros thought about this far more than he should have.
"Do you want me to go over the rainbow?" Said Agatha frankly annoyed at his silence.
"No, no. I think um— blue too."
Agatha bit her lip and wrote the answer down without meeting his stare.
"Next question." She announced.
"Oh yes— ah would you ever be famous, if so, what for?"
This took Agatha by surprise, not just for the dramatic jump from favourite colour to life decisions but the tone in which he said it. Agatha exhaled sharply and resumed her drawings of cats on the margin of her page.
"I wouldn't."
"I don't believe you."
Agatha glared at him. "Well I don't. I don't want people to know me, I don't want people to praise me or love me I just want to be on the side of it all."
He looked like this was a totally foreign concept to him. "Why? I mean—" he laughed nervously, "you are probably one of the only people in this damn school who could be a real good hero but you—"
"I what?" Agatha said in a far more accusing tone than she meant to do.
Tedros met her eyes.
"You deserve to be famous, you deserve to have people love you and praise you."
Agatha leaned away but his stare continued to pierce her soul. It felt unnatural to hear him say this to her, not long ago he was calling her a witch and now he was saying she deserved to be a beloved hero? It wasn't right, it wasn't real.
How could it be?
Agatha broke the silence.
"Fine, next one since we obviously know what you want to be famous for." Said Agatha, regaining her composure.
Tedros rifled through pages of questions searching for the next one. He stopped on a page and seemed to titter on the edge of asking the question.
"Just ask it." Agatha groaned impatiently.
"What do you wish people knew about you."
Agatha paused.
"You go first."
Tedros was puzzled himself with the scarily deep question. But, with a first minutes of thinking, Brought himself to a fairly reasonable answer.
"Who I am."
Agatha blinked and almost shook with laughter.
"What do you mean? Everyone knows you! Your practically the only ever boy anyone talks about."
Tedros blushed red in a completely uncharacteristic way for him.
"I don't know I just—" Agatha' smile faded as she saw the distraught look on his face.
Tedros picked at his pristine socks. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again.
"Go on." Agatha urged.
Tedros glanced up at her.
"I just think people only tend to see me on the outside, the surface level, you know the appearance and the charm and the...the uh—"
"The crown?"
"Yeah. it's exhausting to know that no one really knows you. that no one really bothers to know you."
Agatha managed a weak nod, she knew the feeling. "It must be hard to have no one that knows you."
Tedros hid his face in an embarrassingly poor attempt of hiding the fact he was crying.
"Tedros—" she began to say but lost her nerve.

When she looked up, he was staring at her.
She regained herself.
"Tedros I know how you feel, my whole life people have made assumptions about me. I've never had friends and the only one I managed to have despises me." She shook her head feverishly.
"I wish people would see past it but they don't."
Tedros met her eyes anxiously.
"It being your looks?"
Agatha returned her gaze to the floor.
"I've never thought you were ugly Agatha." He said simply.
She didn't know if she felt worse or better by this comment. She felt odd to say the least.
Agatha laughed gingerly.
"I never thought of you for your crown just for your idiocy."
They both erupted in laughter causing everyone within a two mile radius to look up at them. After a few shooshes from nearby studious students they returned to the questions.
Agatha read the next few, but felt his eyes watching her for the rest of the break.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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