Chapter 17

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They went to the other living room, Coraline was carrying the cat over her shoulder and the fox plush in her bag and held Merita's hand. They walked inside the other living room, Merita kept her head lowered in fear of the Beldam.

A poisonous green fire burns in the fireplace. The bug furniture was gray now, their lights flickering as if short-circuited; legs and wings twitching uncontrollably. Merita saw that the Beldam was hunched on the sofa, her face hidden, looking more like her true appearance than the appearance of Coraline's mother.

Beldam: ( to Coraline: ) So, you're back...

The Beldam turns to Coraline, revealing what she really looks like to Coraline.

The Beldam turns to Coraline, revealing what she really looks like to Coraline

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( A/n: It may surprise some of you but.... The Beldam didn't scare me when I saw what she really looked like as a little kid, then again I was a weird kid. )

Beldam: ( to Coraline, pointing to the cat, fox plush, and Merita: ) ...and you brought vermin with you.

Merita makes a scared whine, and she felt Coraline hold her hand a bit tighter.

Coraline: ( to the Beldam, protectively and sternly: ) No, I brought friends and girlfriend.

Merita face turned red at what Coraline said. The Beldam mentally scoffs at what Coraline called the kitsune, before she reached her long, sharp fingers made of needles to Coraline's face.

Beldam: ( to Coraline, flatly: ) You know I love you.

Coraline backs away, trying hard to not show how freaked out she was.

Coraline: ( to the Beldam: ) You have a very funny way of showing it.

The Beldam smiles, turns away, then back, her hand outstretched.

Beldam: So? Where are they, the ghost eyes?

Coraline pulls out the ghost eyes from her bag and starts to hand them over, but she catches herself and pulls back.

Coraline: Hold on. We aren't finished yet, are we?

The Beldam looks daggers, then smiles sweetly at Coraline.

Beldam: ( to Coraline: ) No, I suppose not. After all, you still need to find your old parents, don't you?

The third ghost eye then pulses with amber light in Coraline's hand. Coraline turns away so the Beldam couldn't see.

Sweet Ghost Girl: Be clever, miss; even if you win she'll never let you or the kitsune go!

Coraline then looks towards the locked little door behind the armoire bug, and then an idea popped into her head. Merita looked nervous and scared, as she knew that the Beldam wasn't going to let either of them go even if Coraline won the game. Coraline then turns to the Beldam.

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