The Vault, Rey and Alina vs Kylo Ren, Leia's Death

Start from the beginning

Staring at him for a moment before pointing Poe said "Well, I'm not Leia" He pokes Finn who raise his hand pointing he said "That's for damn sure" He turns heading back up the hill as Poe watch him go lowering his gaze before turning around heading for the Falcon.

Meanwhile Rey and Alina reach the wreckage Alina turn the wheel and Rey moves the lever avoiding giant pillars going into the gap as Finn saw this lowering the binoculars Jannah said "Finn" He turns to Jannah who runs to him "There's another skimmer" Finn looks back to the wreckage.

Alina POV

Rey and I parked the skimmer tied it up we move through the wreckage hearing the metal groaning we climb up a circular pillar looking around I said "We're gonna have to time our climbing Rey" I look to Rey who nods panting I turn around feeling my left grabbing a pole I turn put my foot on some metals that came off I gasp watching it fall below Rey ask "Are you alright"?

I breathe slowly keeping a good grip I said "Yeah, I'm fine" I climb up the area "Just follow where I go" Rey said "Okay" She follows me until I stop looking back and I jump grabbing a tilted platform I grunt before climbing up I move for Rey to do the same thing I help her up breathing we look in the direction to where we need to go.

We climb up another wall grunting until reaching a hallway breathing me and Rey walk forward seeing Stormtrooper armour Rey stops looking in a room, I follow her to a familiar room seeing a chair in front of a window I turn around to see a broken rail in front of an elevator in the distance Rey ask "Alina where are we"?

Staring at the spot I said "We're in the Emperor's throne room" Joining me Rey ask "What are you looking at" Turning to Rey I ask "Do you want to know how he died" Rey nods a bit "Raven betrayed Palpatine he grab him with his arm and lifted while Palpatine uses Force Lightning on Luke, his father Anakin and my mother Aayla" Looking back "He walk himself to the rail and stumbled a bit".

I could almost see it "Anakin help him and a bit of the Lightning broke Raven's mask then he shoves Anakin away and sent Palpatine and himself over the edge to his death" Rey ask "What happen to Raven" Looking at her I said "He hold the edge at the last second and we try to help him up, but he told Aayla to make me a Jedi before he let go falling to his death".

I lower my head feeling a tear going down and I grip my father's lightsaber I wipe it looking to Rey before looking at the seat me and Rey head towards it and stare at it suddenly a door opens catching our attention and steam hissing out of it we enter then the door closes behind us we look back and head forward passing crystal pillars we hear voices before turning to see the wayfinder there.

Rey and I walk up to it then she grabs the wayfinder taking it Rey gasp softly she looks to me, and I felt something turning my gaze making Rey notice we turn around to see Dark Rey wearing a hood and Rey gasp and I yelp moving back watching the Dark Rey turn her lightsaber into a dual they stare at us Dark Rey said "Don't be afraid of who you are".

We hear breathing behind her and Dark Rey lowers her head for Raven to appear activating his lightsaber I said "Raven" Breathing Raven said "You have failed me my Elite" Both Dark Rey and Raven walk forward me, and Rey activate our lightsabers and clash against them back to back until we them in a lock staring at them Raven looks to me and I stare back "Return to the Dark Side my daughter" We break the lock me and Rey stumble back out of the room landing on our back.

We grunt the wayfinder clatters we look to see it moving until a hand stops it lifting the wayfinder staring at it is Kylo Ren before glancing towards us quickly me and Rey get up staring at him, we activate our lightsabers Kylo Ren lowers the wayfinder me and Rey slowly walk towards Kylo Ren who said "Look at yourselves" He stares at us "You wanted to prove to my mother that you were both Jedis..."

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