
Riley had run straight into town, though she had no clue where she was going. All she wanted to do at the moment was talk to her grandparents but as far as she knew, there was no way to get back home. She supposed it wasn't too bad to be stuck here in Ebonrealm, she at least has her soulmates to help her adjust to their world. Speaking of Soulmates, Taehyung managed to track Riley down as she walked through a large crowd of people. Riley stumbled across the town square, completely lost on what to do or where to go. When the crowd dispersed to go to the many merchants that had stalls, Taehyung and Riley were the only ones left standing in the middle of the Square. "Riley," Taehyung called, Riley looked back over her shoulder and sighed when she saw Taehyung standing just a few feet away from her. "Why did you come after me?" She asked and Taehyung walked forward to her, without saying anything, he walked around her and pulled her into a much needed hug. Riley was taken by surprise by the sudden gesture, "I know that you are angry and hurt about your grandfather and grandmother lying to you, I would be too if I was in your shoes. Right now, I can feel all of your anger and sadness. You shouldn't keep holding it in like you are, it's okay to cry and scream and yell about it. It's okay to breakdown, even if you are in the middle of a busy street. It's more healthy than bottling up these emotions. Please, Riley. Don't ever feel that you have to bottle up your feelings to shield us from it. We're your soulmates, we understand you. Your pain is our pain. We are here for you, Riley." Taehyung hugged her a little tighter, "If you need to cry, go ahead. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." The emotions in the moment overwhelmed Riley, all she could feel from him was his love and compassion towards her. With those emotions running rampant in her, she started to cry. Taehyung rested his chin on her head as she buried her face into his chest, "It's okay, Riley." He rubbed circles on her back with the palm of his hand, just whispering to her sweet things.

However, her cries were short lived as a sudden shadow appeared overhead the town Square. Riley moved her head, noticing the large shadow and Taehyung noticed it as well. Everyone in the courtyard looked up, screaming as they spotted a large dragon. Panic set in as the dragon looked down right at Riley and Taehyung, both staring in shock at the dragon. The dragon had dark viridian eyes that sat delicately within the creature's soft, thorny skull, giving the creature a rather intimidating-looking appearance. Several enormous horns sit atop its head, just above its tiny, curved ears. A row of tendrils runs down the sides of each of its jawlines. Its nose is pointy and has two narrow, angular nostrils and there are small crystal growths on its chin. A few large teeth poke out from the side of its mouth and show a glimpse of the terror hiding inside. A strong neck runs down from its head and into a massive body. The top is covered in thick scales and rows of small fan-like growths run down its spine. Its bottom is covered in radiant skin and is colored darker than the rest of its body. Six slim limbs carry its body and allow the creature to stand proud and illustrious. Each limb has 4 digits, each of which ends in sharp nails seemingly made of obsidian. Gigantic wings grow starting from its shoulders and end all the way down at its pelvis. The wings are bat-like, the edges of the skin inside the wings are tattered and damaged, and sharp, spiky scales cover the top of each visible bone. Its fairly short tail ends in a fan-like tip and is covered in the same thick scales as its body.

"Oh my god." Taehyung muttered.

"No, it can't be.."

"Riley, what's the matter?" Taehyung looked down at her, "That's the same dragon I saw in my nightmare." Taehyung looked at her in shock before wiping it off his face, he pulled back from the hug and summoned his weapon. "Riley, get behind me. Now." Riley did as Taehyung told her to, she was very scared at the moment but she trusted Taehyung with her life. "When I tell you, Run. You run. You run as fast as you possibly can."

"And go where? What if it follows me?"

"I'll handle that. You just get out of here." Taehyung said.

Back at the cabin, Yoongi was helping wash dishes when he suddenly was pulled into a vision. He saw the townsquare in complete panic, people running and screaming. He always felt like he was always right there watching things happen when he had a vision, "Hyung?" Hoseok noticed Yoongi drop a plate in the sink. "Hyung," Hoseok stopped what he was doing and looked to Jin, who walked over to Yoongi. He looked at his face, noticing the dazed look in Yoongi's eyes. "What's wrong, Hyung?" Jungkook asked, as he walked in from the living room. Jimin and Namjoon weren't far behind, "He's having a vision." Jin answered, briefly looking at the three before looking back at Yoongi. "Yoongi, what do you see?" He asked softly, "The town square, everyone's running and screaming. Somthing's very wrong." In the vision, Yoongi turns his head and his eyes land on Taehyung and Riley, that's when he noticed that Taehyung was tense and had a weapon. Riley was right behind Taehyung, looking frightened and they both were looking up. "I see Taehyung and Riley, he found her. She must have reached the town square sometime after she left. And they both look extremely tense," He reported. In the vision, he followed their line of vision and his eyes widened when he saw a large dragon flying overhead.

"Shit!" Yoongi snapped out of his vision, completely shocked.


"There's a dragon in town square. Taehyung's protecting Riley."

"A dragon?!"

"Her nightmare wasn't really a nightmare.. It really was a vision." Jimin stood in shock, "We have to go. Now." Namjoon grabbed his shoes and weapon and just as he opened the front door, they heard a loud roar echo through the forest area coming straight from town. "We have to go! We have to go now!" Yoongi dried his hands and slipped on his shoes. The others weren't too far behind, everyone grabbed their weapons and headed straight for town. In less than five minutes, they managed to reach the town square.

"Oh shit..." Jungkook cursed, his eyes landing on the dragon.

"There they are!!" Namjoon pointed, spotting Riley and Taehyung. Everyone sighed in relief seeing that they were unharmed but with the way the dragon was staring at them, they knew something was up. "Shit.. This is really bad." Everyone stared at the dragon in shock, what happened next seemed to happen really fast. The dragon let out another roar, but this time, red and orange flames shot from its mouth and was aimed at Taehyung and Riley. "No!" Jin shouted, Yoongi acted quickly and recited a spell. The spell blossomed as Yoongi slightly glowed and a large light blue barrier formed around the entire town square, the fire bouncing right off the barrier. Taehyung sighed in relief, knowing that they were going to be safe behind the barrier. He recognized the barrier and its pattern, "Tae!!" Jin shouted, he turned his head to the left and spotted the rest of his soulmates. They all came rushing over as the dragon once again tried attacking, only for its flames to bounce off the barrier. Jin immediately pulled both Taehyung and Riley into a large hug, they hugged him back and was pulled from him to hug the others. "Where did that thing come from?" Namjoon asked Taehyung, "It's the dragon I saw in my nightmare." Riley spoke up, "We were right about it not being a nightmare.." Taehyung said, "Clearly." Yoongi retorted, "What do we do?"

"We're going to have to fight it." Hoseok said, looking up at the dragon.

"Let's do it."

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