The begining

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At seven o'clock the young detective slouched at her desk and rustled her fingers thru her wild, raven black curls, exasperated with the paper work in front of her. She couldn't take it anymore. Shoving her rolling chair back as she stood, she turned and faced her partners, Vince Korsak and Barry Frost, sighing as she said,"Guys I think I'm going to call it a day. I'm getting nowhere on this paper work for this case."
Korsak looked up from his own paperwork and ran a hand over his gray stubble, clearly ready to leave also." I think I'll leave with you, Jane. I'm ready to go home too."
Frost put down the pen next to his blue action figure, along with his head."I'd rather have looked at dismantled body parts all day." Frost mumbled barely audible,causing Jane and Korsak to laugh in unison.
"Frost, I don't think your stomach would've agreed to that!" Korsak teased.
Frosts head snapped up and shot a playful glare at Korsak."You don't know what my stomach agrees to!" He looked at Jane and stood. "I think I'm going to leave with you, too."
"I'm going to go on and head out now that I know your both leaving too," Jane smiled, put on her suit coat and walked out of the room to clock out with the Boston PD clerk.
Glad to be going home after an uneventful day at work, Homicide detective Jane Rizzoli stalked down the sidewalk of Boston, Massachusetts to her convertible Camaro that was parked a few blocks from the police station. With the illuminating street lamps and bustling businesses lights you could see a deep set frown etched in the detectives otherwise breath taking features. Jane was not upset about the fact no one was murdered today, she reveled in that actually; she was glad that she did not have to report any bad news to unsuspecting families. Jane was in a bad mood because of all of the paper work she had left on her desk from the previous homicide that had to eventually be finished.
She continued walking as she watched the crowded, busy streets of Boston slowly come to life with people huddling around stores, window shopping and random stands setting up, trying to selling what ever they thought would make money. As Jane dogged the people that were unknowingly in her way, she let out a sigh and muttered to herself, "At least you didn't have to deal with any of the usual assholes today." Shoving her hands in her black slacks, she knew better; the night was not over yet. She continued with her brisk pace a little ways before almost slowing down to a stop when in front of her on the opposite side of the street she heard someone being harassed before she saw it. Jane craned her neck as she dodged the passing people trying to see what was going on. Her vision kept getting momentarily blocked by people's heads and shoulders. Jane became frustrated; she flashed her detectives badge and started to shove her way through the crowd. People immediately stopped as she pushed past them and stared at her ludicrously, thinking of telling her off, but reconsidered when the glint of the badge caught their eyes. When she finally made it through, what she saw happening pissed her off even more than mounds upon mounds of paper work. A beautiful woman with the most lovely golden brown hair she'd ever seen stood in the middle of the sidewalk in front of a shop surrounded by two men shouting obscenities towards her. The tallest man, the man who was doing most of the shouting, had baggy jeans and a black wife beater on. The shorter man, smiling wickedly and looking content at just watching what was happening, had cargo shorts and a shirt with obscenities on it.
" Come on, baby ! Come home with us. We can make that pussy purr," popped off the tallest man as he reached out to grope the woman's breast but only grasped air. The woman had jerked away and begun clutching a monilia folder tight to her chest; she had realized what the man was reaching for.
" Domestic cats only purr when they are frightened and are trying to calm themselves. Why would you want to frighten a cat ? They are very moody animals but that doesn't mean you have to frighten them. " The woman, clearly not understanding the insinuation the man had just made, resorted to logical information,which only made the men more excited. The shortest man threw his head back and laughed.
"Hey, John ! Looks like this one is going to be fun." The shortest man smiled benevolently at her as if stripping her with his eyes." She's stupid and hot. "
Jane stood with her fist clenched, unable to move. She was frozen with fury at the fact that out of all the people passing no one had lifted a finger to help; they just turned the other way and kept walking. John pushed the woman up against the glass, store window behind her, holding her there with one hand as the other slid up her red designer dress. The woman tried to push his hand away but the other man grabbed her hand and twisted it in an angle that looked very close to breaking. John leaned in to kiss her neck but was startled by a husky voice. He looked behind him but didn't move.
A very angry Jane,finally able to move, walked across the street to the men shouting," What the hell do you think your doing !? You have no right to be treating a woman like this you sick bastards! I'll give you a choice: apologize to this woman and leave here right now with no more problems or you don't leave and I kick your asses ," Just Janes threat was enough for the other man to let go, but John just stared at her stupidly. Jane reached out, pulled John off of the woman by the shoulder and looked at him with her brown eyes blazing," And I suggest you leave. I've had a pretty shitty day and you don't want to piss me off even more than you already have." Rizzoli's fiery comments caught the two men off guard but it didn't take long for John to recover.
"Hey, baby if it pisses you off so much, we could let you join too.What do you think Leon?" Johns laughter was evident in every word as he asked his friend. Leon licked his lips and started towards Jane; his courage was back up slightly by Johns playful words.
"Okay, your funerals, " Jane huffed as she backed away slight so she did not injure the woman or the crowd of spectators that was now watching everything that she done.
When Leon came with in reach, Jane released a heavy roundhouse kick to the side of his head instantly knocking him out and sending him crashing to the pavement; this caused his friends eyes to go wide in fear.
"Shit,"John stumbled backwards away from the woman with the intention of running but before he had the chance to fully process the thought, Jane tackled him like the perps she had before and knocked him down, making sure his face grinded with the pavement. The woman winced, realizing that with the amount of force that had just been used, his zygomatic probably had been fractured. Grabbing one hand at a time and putting them behind Johns back, Jane reached to her belt loop moving aside a tailored jacket tail before pulling out hand cuffs and cuffing his hand securely.
"Now I'm going to let you get up but I swear if you do anything I don't tell you to, what your feeling right now will be nothing. Your friend over there got lucky I didn't hit his temple," John eyed Leon's limp body in fear. Seeing his eyes go wide made Jane smirk." So don't think I won't do the same to you. Oh! By the way, John. You know your rights? You have a right to an attorney and so on?" John nodded slightly. "Good. Because John your under arrest for sexual harassment and assault of an Officer. Now get on your knees and don't move." The man did as she said afraid of what she would do to him.
Jane stepped over Leon's body to the brunette who was in awe of how fast she had taken down the two men,by her self no less, and the amount of damage that was dealt to them. Jane reached out gently and placed a hand on the woman's shoulder and asked softly," Are you okay,ma'am? "
The brunette shook her head and took in every detail of her saviors face. Her wild raven black hair, her hazel brown eyes deep with concern, and high cheek bones. "Maura, I am Dr.Maura Isles."
"Detective Jane Rizzoli. Are you okay, Dr.Isles?"
"That is not an accurate way to assess someone as a first responder but if you are asking about my well being, I'm flustered and embarrassed but not harmed."
Jane, slightly confused if there way another way to ask if someone was okay, let out a sigh of relief," I'm glad your not hurt. Now, would you mind waiting here while I call for someone to come pick these low lifes up? I would take them in myself but that would mean going back to the paper work on my desk. Plus, got to get rid of this crowd some how," Jane chuckled while she was speaking. "Did you know nothing scares off a crowd of people more than sirens and flashing lights ?"
Jane turned away from Maura slightly as she reached into her left pocket and pulled out her iPhone.
" No, I didn't know that but I'll be sure to remember it for next time. And I don't mind waiting just a bit longer." Maura said in a haze. She couldn't have left even if she had wanted to at the moment; she was still perplexed by the way the detective had moved flawlessly. Every move was precise and hit its target every time. She was also in awe of the fact that Detective Rizzoli threw herself in harms way just to save her. Trying not to be awkward she asked, "Did you take mixed martial arts or jujitsu?"
Jane looked back at her, honestly confused but answered the question anyway," No. Why do you ask ? " She placed her thumb on the scanner and looked away briefly to dial the stations number, then turned her attention back to Maura.
" I just assumed you had. You were so graceful doing something so violent. So precise, it was as if gravity didn't, no,couldn't touch you. It was ....." For the first time in her life Maura Isles was at a Lose for words. "Beautiful. You were beautiful, Jane Rizzoli."
"Um... Well, thank you," Jane stammered not expecting any kind of complement. She could only smile as she waited for the station to answer.
Maura, regretting her words as soon as she had said them, clutched the manila folder tighter and straightened her posture.
What are you saying !? She scolded herself. You've just met her ! And why are your knees weak? And when did it get so hot ?
Jane caught a glimpse of Maura's blush before Maura turned her head to look away from her. Jane wondered if she was sick by how suddenly she was blushing and the way she had stammered on.
Just as Jane was about to say something to Maura, Boston P.D. answered. She turned completely, took two steps away from Maura and started explaining to the man she had two perpetrators under custody, one unconscious and the other awake but cuffed. After hearing this, some of the spectators decided to leave.
Maura began going through all the reasons why she would feel the slight trembling in her knees and the sudden increase of temperature, one of them being sudden attraction and the other being thyrotoxicosis. Considering that at Maura's physical last week she was pronounced one of the healthiest patients that the doctor had seen in his life; this left only one explanation.
After ending the call with the station Jane turned and came to stand only a few feet from Maura and said,"They'll be coming to pick them up soon... About what you said a few moments ago, you're quite beautiful yourself Dr.Isles, but I have a question to ask you and I don't want you be offended, okay?" Jane stated as she shoved both hands and phone in her pockets and flashed Maura a quick lopsided smile that caused Maura's breath to catch in her throat.
"Thank you, detective," Maura barely breathed out as she smiled warmly back at Jane. "What is your question?"
"Well, like I asked, please don't take this the wrong way, but Dr.Isles, are you sick by any chance? Your face is flushed and I saw you shaking just a moment before. So I was just wondering if there was anything that I could do to help?"
Maura was taken back by the detective's perception. "Ah-um, I'm not sure. Taking into consideration that I was being harassed just moments before, I might be going into shock, or I might have suddenly developed thyrotoxicosis," Maura chuckled nervously not wanting to state the other reason with out her being sure."The latter is highly unlikely though."
Jane was blown back Maura's casual usage of such a large word, but before she could respond, she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She twisted her whole body at once in the direction of the movement, ready to take care of what ever it was. What she saw did not surprise her; Johns knees were shaking as he was trying to rise from the ground with his hands behind him.
"They never learn." She husked as she walked towards him and fired off a swift side kick to the back of his head, knocking him out.
"He won't be trying to run anywhere now! Though, he'll probably feel that for a while," Jane laughed uneasily as she walked back to Maura.
"With the blow you just delivered he probably will have a minor concussion and maybe a small laceration when he awakes. Also the landing he had with the ground probably fractured his zygomatic even more. So no, I don't imagine he will be moving again anytime soon, also." Maura stated matter-of-factly as she relaxed slightly and lowered the folder reviling the dresses heart shaped neck line and her perfectly round breast pressed against the red fabric of the dress.
Janes eyes wandered over the doctor shamelessly trailing from her rosy unblemished face and slightly curled golden brown hair to the curvature of her hips, to her toned legs; Maura had on a set on heels that Jane could never hope to walk in, but on her it seemed quite fitting for some reason. When Janes eyes had worked their way over her, Maura had felt as if Jane were standing next to her touching her herself. This caused her to feel light headed and dizzy. Janes eyes slowly worked themselves back up the doctors body, appreciating how the dress clung to every curve and complemented Maura's skin tone until they met back with Maura's bright red face and wide eyes. Jane hurriedly looked away grasping for anything to ease the air that she had just brought on by her staring.
She rustled her fingers thru her hair nervously, hoping she didn't ruin her chance at ever having a decent conversation with her again. "I was just checking to make sure you didn't have any bruises. The back up should be here any moment, though...... The station is only-" The sound of fast approaching sirens cut Janes sentence short and sent what was left of the crowd on their way. Thankful for the distraction she walked to the curb of the road and waited with hand on hip as a standard white cop car with Boston PD written on the side pulled up in front of her.
A tall, slider, and handsome dark haired man pulled himself out of the vehicle. He had on standard police uniform: navy blue slacks and a navy button up shirt stating his rank on his badge hanging from the right side of his chest. Almost as soon as he came to stand beside Jane, she began to quietly thank him.
"Thank God you're here.What the hell took so long? I was just about to die. I thought I was about to have to fake a phone call from Ma !"
Frankie Rizzoli laughed at his sisters distress as he spoke," Janie, what did you do this time ?"
Jane wrung her hands. "I might have stared at her for a few seconds and might have freaked her out."
Frankie laughed even harder as he ruffled his hand thru Jane's hair. "Just where is this woman that you've probably scared off at ?"
Jane discreetly threw one thumb behind her, not wanting to meet Maura's eyes again just yet.
Frankie cast a quick glance at Maura, tipped his hat towards her and smiled. He knew then why Jane had stared at her, she was gorgeous.
Jane cleared her throat and moved in front of his line of sight with a scowl on her face. She then pointed at the two men passed out on the side walk behind her. Frankie's eyes went wide looking at the two body's sprawled out ,"Damn, Janie.That woman is in more danger of you than these two right here. God, did you try to kill them?" Frankie said in disbelief.
"No," Jane said sadly. "I wish I could have. Men like this are the reason I don't date. Disgusting."
"We're not all like that Janie, some of us are good." He said sadly. He remembered how his sister was after Korsak had found her with her hands nailed to the mattress with scalpels. Once she was back home she was a different Jane; the life was gone out of her and she refused to date men, she never dated before but she at least showed some interest. Ever since they put Hoyt, the man who done those things to her, behind bars she started becoming herself again. She was now showing interest in men and enjoying life outside of her job. Even though she was making progress she was still refused to date men. She now said men disgusted her.
Frankie pulled him self out of his thoughts and returned to reality. "But anyway, let's get these guys in the cruiser."
Frankie and Jane walked over to John first. They both put one arm under the axillarys and pulled John to the cruiser. Jane reached out and opened the rear right side door, helped him position the body in the back seat and then proceed to do the same with Leon.
Frankie shut the car door and whispered playfully," You might want to get that woman a coffee or something. She still looks like she's freaked out by your one sided staring contest."
Jane looked back at Maura and saw that she was still flustered. She gave a halfhearted smile, trying to ease some of the tension that Maura was feeling. She failed. Maura stiffened up even more. Jane turned back to Frankie and said
"Go before those men wake up and so I can maybe apologize to her."
"Good point. Can't really get much done with a good looking man like me around,huh Janie?"
"Just shut up and leave, block head."
"Fine," he said begrudgingly. He walked around to the drivers side of the cruiser and got in.
As he was about to pull off, he rolled down the window slightly and yelled to Maura,"Don't let Janie scare ya! Even though she looks kinda mean, she's really nice. And with her around nothing else will bother you so don't worry too much! " He rolled up the window and drove away.
Maura blushed knowing that what he had said was true. Even though she had just met her, she could tell that nothing else would bother her as long as Jane was there.
Jane turned around about to walk back to Maura but she was already standing beside her. Maura lightly placed her hand on her shoulder and said, " Well, thank you Detective Rizzoli, but I must be getting home. I need to prepare for my new job tomorrow." She let her hand slide off her shoulder as she turned and started walking away.
Jane stood mesmerized by the swing of Maura's hips as the she walked. All she could think of was the side to side movement she saw in front of her. Suddenly Jane realized that she was staring again. She had to make it up to her for staring so much after all, she didn't like girls.
" Excuse me ! Dr. Isles!" Maura stopped at the sound of her voice worried that she had done something wrong.
" Yes? " Maura turned around and was surprised to see Jane jogging towards her and then coming to a stop beside her. " Is there something wrong, detective ?"
"Yes. There's something definitely wrong ," Maura tilted her head to the side ,confused as to why Jane was smiling if something was wrong." There's definitely something wrong if you think I would let you walk home alone after what just happened." Jane's smile turned into a frown."Plus, I wanted to say I was sorry for staring at you earlier. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me?"
Maura blushed."W-Well, I forgive you, but you didn't do anything wrong."
" Then let me drive you home? My car is just a block away from here. I park it behind the bar where my Ma works at."
"Okay, but only on one condition."
" You name it and you got it," Jane said kind of shocked. She had a sneaking suspicion that all was not as it was supposed to be because of how easily Maura had said yes. " But I have a condition for you before you name your condition."
"Okay?" Maura said confused . She had been the one to offer the condition not Jane.
" Wait here. I'll be right back.Okay ?"
" I'm not sure how I feel about this after what just happened .. And I don't know if you really will come back ......" Maura looked to the sidewalk, not wanting to meet Jane's eyes. After all she had just met her and no matter how much she was attracted to this woman she was prone to trusting others easily.
Jane then grabbed both of the woman's small shoulders, causing Maura to look in her eyes. This caused a blush to break out on her cheeks again. "Let me tell you something about a Rizzoli. When they say that they'll do something, they do it."
Janes deep brown eyes seemed to burn with truth behind them, causing Maura to believe her. She took one last look at Jane before closing her eyes and sighing.
" Just hurry back." She began to calculate the time it would take for her to get her car and come back to this spot.
" I promise I'll be back before you can say Rizzoli 60 times!" Maura heard Janes voice fading as she spoke, getting further and further away. She opened her eyes and walked to the bench that was just a few feet up the sidewalk. She sat down and began to say 'Rizzoli' over and over as she waited for Jane Rizzoli to come back.

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