[HC]: first meeting. ☻

Start from the beginning

CARLOS is just a sweetiepie inside and out. wanting to be the person to find you, he'd travel the world just to find you (and to run away from the federales for his gang activity in brazil 💀). he would eventually find you on this journey, except unlike him, you were out on vacation with a couple of your work friends. you guys met while you were out, either: dancing in a club, sightseeing at a park, or swimming in a pool. and, you were everything he could ever want in a person, which is that you were able to listen to him, and understand him through all of his faults, and overall, was pleasant to be around.

ETHAN; after everything he's been through? i mean, one thing is clear, and it's that ethan and mia were definitely NOT made for each other. the man needs to have something stable in his life, a lot like leon does. after finalizing the divorce and moving from a temporary stay at a hotel, then to a new, more permanent home, ethan was forced into house arrest yet again, except now, they're both back in america, but without the company of another person... the only upside was finally being able to see rose again. he was thankful to have her back, but he couldn't lie and say he wasn't stressed taking care of her all by his lonesome. yes, chris would occasionally come to help, and even transport her to ethan's old place where mia had still resided, but it was only an hour a week within a 24-hour day cycle. he longed for something, or someone, more... he sat and pondered, staring off through his bedroom window with nothing on his mind. just as he was going to turn away though, you and your friend had exited their house, both struggling with a bunch of tupperware that was filled to the brim with homemade sweet desserts. despite this, you wore an overly-excited expression as you both decided you were going to go door-to-door and surprise the neighbors with the treats. it was extremely sweet, and not to mention how cute you were, so it made sense that this had caused a pink twinge to sting ethan's cheeks. he knew just then that he wouldn't be able to stop himself as he ran down the steps of his house and out the front door over to you guys, breaking his 'parole'. he grabbed onto all of your plastic containers, holding them up for you whilst asking if he could tag along with you guys. you blushed at the proposal, asking your friend to say yes with silent, pleading eyes as you were left with the opened one. getting the message, they nodded, and the two of you and ethan began to walk together as you got to know each other (ditching your friend), until the snacks had all disappeared.


CLAIRE, LUIS, MIA, and WESKER (possibly) wouldn't exactly go out of their way to try and find their soulmate. but that doesn't stop you, does it?

CLAIRE is the perfect example of this concept. claire is the type of girl who is always busy and solely focuses on her ambitions in life. she can never truly find the time to look for her 'right person'. she constantly jumps from job to job, opportunity to opportunity, so it made sense that her last relationship was back in her college days. knowing this, even if she was desiring for her specific someone to come into her life, she felt a little scared in taking the steps to finding them. therefore, you found her instead... well, it wasn't exactly the most romantic way though. she was live, covering some sort of case for her journalism career, and you had the scoop. you calmly approached her, giving her the details, but the pencil on her notepad stayed stagnant. you looked at her hand peculiarly, then drifted your gaze up to her face. unknowingly, she had gulped at the eye contact, wetting her suddenly-dry pink lips as she tore her stare away from you and back onto the paper... after a moment, you smirked, realizing exactly that you had her wrapped around your finger.

LUIS - though i do believe he would truly want to find his soulmate on his own terms - because of his situation, i don't think it would be possible for him to find you in any other way than for you to come to him. you could've been a fellow resident of the small village in spain, visiting and caught up in the whole ordeal... could've been a friend of ashley's, having accidentally catching her kidnappers in the middle of the act of taking her away, and have them take you with her... maybe, you could've even been a partner of leon, or possibly ada too. anyway, you two somehow meet each other. you're firstly on the defense, weirded out by his instant attraction to you, but he easily opens you up with his flirtatious jokes - pulling small laughs out of you until they turn into full-blown cackles. what got him to fall even harder for you, though, is when you reciprocated with your own equally as flirtatious jokes. he'd toy with his red9 handgun or twirl his lighter about, which instantly caught your eye. asking him, "wow, you're surely good with your hands. does this skill also apply in other ways?" he'd instantly freeze in his spot, turning to you a tad bit flustered and clearly not expecting a comment like this to come from you. but, he'd recuperate, shooting you with his signature little slimy smize, and tell you: "i guess there's only one way to find out, dulcinea."

MIA also obviously fits in this category. girl put her entire career over her family/love life, what makes you think she would do anything differently to you? because she promised she wouldn't?? you might not experience to the extent of undergoing the same as ethan's trauma, but that doesn't mean it won't be traumatic for you too... honestly, the only way i see a spark happening between the two of you is, if you are her therapist and she's your client. though you can't establish any sort of relationship with your client, i think it'd be a dynamic where the two of you meet, and though you find each other attractive, no advancements are made between you at first. but, after time goes by and mia internally heals by truly taking accountability for her actions, i think either mia or you could possibly ask/suggest a new therapist. either of you would be confused and heartbroken at first, but accept if either party thinks that would be the right choice to be made. and once you both go through the final payment processes and new referrals, one of you would ask to meet up and confess to the other about your strongly-developed feelings.

WESKER could be added here too. throughout the years, he has only been focused on his own plans that he doesn't really feel the need to find his soulmate. i mean, the man also has a huge ego problem, so i could foresee him being like, "if they're my soulmate, then they'll come and find me." and, harkening back to the beginning, they kinda did (even though it wasn't planned, or it could've been? who knows)...


( notes: just a little headcanon <3 tell me if you agree!

¤ edit! i added luis here & changed the title of the chapter from 'soulmates' to 'first meeting' 😚✨💗 )


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