"Well, if today couldn't get any worse." Epps muttered under his breath.

"Tell me about it." She sighed sharply as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"He doesn't know you're here. It may be best that you go to your room until he leaves." The dark-skinned man advised before taking a step forward.

"There's no point now. We don't know when he'll be leaving, and I refuse to be holed up in my room." Elizabeth shrugged as she followed the man.

A strained chuckle escaped the man's lips as the two entered the hanger that they used for communications. Lennox had climbed the steps of the tall catwalk and prepared the tele-conference meeting with his commander. Hanging back a little bit, Elizabeth watched as Epps moved to stand just behind Galloway at the steps. She had overheard that this would be the first time that Galloway would be meeting Optimus, so she was curious about what kind of reaction the obnoxious man would have. Hearing the rumble of the peterbilt engine, Elizabeth turned slightly to see Optimus rolling into the hanger and began to transform before the catwalk.

"Gotta wonder...They say that God made us in his image, but who made him?" Epps questioned as he looked over at the liaison.

"General, we have intercepted eight Decepticons this past year on all different continents. It is clear that they are searching the planet for something, but the encounter from last night was different. It came with a warning." Optimus began before stopping to play the recording that he had taken.

"The Fallen shall rise again." The voice was full of static and sent shivers down Elizabeth's spine as she listened.

"The Fallen, meaning what?" General Morshower questioned through the monitor.

"We know not his origin. The only recorded history we have was contained in the AllSpark, which was destroyed during the battle of Mission City." Optimus answered before being cut off.

"Excuse me! With this 'AllSpark' now destroyed, why hasn't the enemy left the planet like you thought they would?" Galloway questioned haughtily while climbing the steps onto the catwalk.

"That is Galloway, our Security Advisor that the President just appointed as liaison." Lennox spoke exasperatedly.

"Please, forgive my interruption. Excuse me, pardon me. After all of the damage that occurred in Shanghai, the President is concerned about your movements and accomplishments. Now, under the Alien Autobot Cooperation Act, you agreed to share your knowledge with us. However, not your advancements in weaponry." Galloway spoke as he turned from speaking to the monitor to Optimus Prime.

"We have seen you humans' capacity for war. Providing you the weapons that we use, would only bring more harm than good." Optimus stated authoritatively, which caused both Elizabeth and Ironhide to seize up slightly.

"But who are you to decide what is best for us?" Galloway pressed.

"With all due respect, Galloway, we've been fighting side-by-side for the last two years." Lennox interjected.

"We've shed blood, sweat, and precious metal together." Epps added as he moved to stand beside the towering Autobot.

"Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk." Galloway sneered at the dark-skinned man.

"Don't tempt me." The man growled, which elicited a small giggle from Elizabeth.

"Easy." Optimus rumbled quietly as Epps sulked away.

"Anyways, we understand that the newest members of your team arrived after you had sent a message into space. Giving out an invitation to your kind to come to our planet, without having gotten approval from the White House." Galloway berated.

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