Don't Play With Anyone Else(Hyunjin)Part 1

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It was on the couch, down in the basement at the Stray kids' house, where I had the most fun.

Even more fun was that no one knew about it, until one day.

I was hanging out with Han in the basement, and things got heated pretty quickly, there was no need to play like we were just friends. We had an agreement and both parties were satisfied with it. He was straightforward about it too. He liked me, and I ... I liked being liked by him.

We were making out, his hands hungrily pulling me closer by my waist, my hands caressing his chin, I knew that's what he liked. I was gentle and distant, he was bold and clingy.

Suddenly the door to the basement burst open and we both turned to see Hyunjin in the door frame.

"Oh ..." he stopped in his wake for a second, "Well, since you stopped anyways, Han, let's play PlayStation?"

He invited himself in and then sat on the couch beside Han. Talk about clingy.

"Now?" asked Han, somewhat annoyed.

"Well, you're not doing anything intriguing anyways," said Hyunjin with resentment on his face, " and I'm bored."

Han surrendered to his friend's charm, and I didn't really mind. Hyunjin might be annoying at times but he was always nice to look at.

Not that I did. I sat beside them, editing videos for the Stray Kids' social media accounts.

Hyunjin lost to Han, again.

"What are you doing over there?" he asked to distract himself.

"Just editing Chan's vlog."

"Oh, let me see."

He threw the controller on the couch and sat near me. He stared at the screen as I continued editing, we started talking about it, he would eventually comment, but mostly we would laugh at Chan.

Han fell out of the conversation which he didn't seem to mind.

"Actually, that reminds me that I need to check in with Chan about the recording schedule, I'll be back soon," said Han.

He stood up, gently squeezed my shoulder and left. Only with his touch, I remembered that we were in the middle of a hot make-out sesh just minutes ago.

Apparently, someone else remembered that too.

"So are you guys dating?" Huynjin turned to me.

"What? Oh no we are... not really"

"So what is it then?" He pressed on, curiosity slowly sparking in his eyes.

I had to fully divert my attention from the phone. I half turned to face him on the couch.

"We just have this kind of agreement..."

"What kind of agreement?"

"Well, okay, we are just making out whenever both of us want to and hang out sometimes, but mostly making out," I blurted out.

I got shy, it was weird talking to him about it, to anyone really, it wasn't a big secret I guess, but it was just between me and Han.

"Well it's not news to me that Han is perpetually excited, but why don't you guys date?"

" We don't agree on a lot of things and our personalities don't match that much, we view relationships differently."

"In what way?"

Why was he so curious?

" Well as you said he is pretty passionate, and he thinks that casual hookups are good, and I don't agree, I think it's about a mental connection as well, and I also get attached pretty easily, and he ... I don't know, not much?"

"He does like to be free, yeah, but I do agree with you on that the mental connection part, but if you are so different from one another, how did you... I mean why are you with him then?"

"I can't really tell why are you so curious about it," I frowned a little.

"Well I haven't seen him with anyone before, and whatever's going on between you two is... intriguing..."

"Didn't you say earlier it wasn't intriguing?"

"Wasn't it obvious I lied?"

I leaned on the couch in exasperation.

"What is it about Han?"

"Huh?" I sat back again, I couldn't relax around him at all.

"You heard me."

He was becoming more confrontational with every sentence.

"Hmm... well I like how straightforward he is, he knows what he wants and he voices it. Like he ... says what he likes about me all the time and..."


" I like how bold he is when he kisses me," I said squinting my eyes for a second of embarrassment.

"Like that?" Hyunjin asked with a shadow of a smirk on his lips, and then leaned closer to me and began hungrily kissing my neck.

My eyes widened, but my hand involuntarily touched his head and began brushing through his hair.

The moment his lips touched my neck I knew I didn't want him to stop. My eyes started closing in bliss, and I was putting my guard down. That's exactly when he pulled away.

The smirk was still on his lips, clearer now. He drank my reaction to his action as a fine wine.

I touched my lips, and even though he didn't kiss them it still felt like we did something wrong.

"Why did you just do that?" I finally asked.

"Why didn't you pull away?" he was savouring this moment now.

I was at a loss for words.

Han came back before anything else was said or done.

"Hey, the recording will start in an hour.

"Okay, cool," I said, " can I talk to you?"

"About what?" said Han and Hyunjin in unison.

Then they turned to look at each other.

" I mean, sure," Han said, "you want to grab a bite?"

"Yes. Please," I said.

" I'll go too," said Hyunjin and began standing up from the couch.

" No," I said and forced him back on the couch by putting my hand on his shoulder, " I want to talk to him... alone."

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