Tied up

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After a car drive about 1 hour or something i dont know, we finally stopped.
"Get up" a guy with blonde hair told me, he was in the car when they took me.
I walked out of the car, but the guy hold me so I couldnt escape.
It was a big brown building.
They followed me inside.
And tied me to a chair.
It is 5 guys, they stood and stared at me.
"The fuck do yall want from me?"
"Dont say bad words sweetie" a muscular guy with brown hair said. "This is how we are going to do it, you are gonna listen to us, and do what we say you are going to do, understood?"
I said nothing, I looked him dead in the eyes. "Let. Me. Go"
"Haha, no sweetie" he said and grinned at me.
Another guy started talking, he had brown ish hair, kinda like mine.
"You probably want to know our names, I am Jack, Nice to meet you"
I said nothing, I couldnt agree.
"And I am Billy" said the guy with brown hair.
"And Im Evan, said a guy with blonde hair.
"Robert, good to see you" he had red hair.
"Tim, pleasure to meet ya''
All off them were extreamly muscular and big.
"And what is your name sweetie?" Asked Billy.
Why did he have to call me sweetie in EVERY sentence.
"I dont need to tell you my name, and yall are going to let me out of this shit place or else"
They laughed at me.
Why were they laughing?!
"Oh Sweetie, did you forget that YOU is the one who is tied up?"
"What is your name?" Asked Tim.
"Leila" I said quietly.
"Drink this" Said Evan, and made me drik a cup of water, I didnt have any hands to drink with, so he had to help me.
I didnt want to drink it, but I didnt have any other choises.

Not long after drinking it, I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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