[DAY SIX] Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

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PROMPTS: Flowers/ Angst/ Cats
SUMMARY: How ironic. Tsukasa Tenma, self- proclaimed World Future Star, was suffering from Bitchless Disorder No.2: Star Tears.
He already had a shitty memory, anyway. He would probably just forget everything eventually, disease or not.
(This is my apology for day 5)

The first time it happened, it was confusing.

Tsukasa Tenma has always been in love with Rui Kamishiro. That boy meant the world to him. Rui's contagious cat- like smile that never failed to put one in his own face, his soft laughter, his beautiful golden eyes, his intelligence and beauty..

Tsukasa loved all of it. He loved all of Rui.

Which is why he didn't understand why he had to suffer for it.

Enter: Tsukasa's bedroom. He was sitting on a chair in front of his desk, doing homework as he hummed along to a song he was listening to. Unfortunately, he couldn't focus.

Because something- someone, else was on his mind.

Which was Rui Kamishiro.

Tsukasa was aware of this big crush he had on him. He realized his feelings and came to terms with them quite a while ago, actually. But he could never bring himself to say anything.

Because Rui Kamishiro wouldn't love somebody like Tsukasa Tenma. No, he wouldn't. There was absolutely no way he could. Tsukasa wasn't cool like everyone else. He didn't have special talents like everyone else.

Emu was bright, even more so than him. She never failed to put a smile on anyones faces. Her joyful aura and ability to cheer everyone up was something Tsukasa could never match up with. He could try. He has tried. But nothing can match Emu Otori's confidence and positivity.

Nene has been childhood friends with Rui for quite a while. She knows him better than Tsukasa himself does- of course she does, she's known him since they were children. Plus, she's a great songstress and actress. Way better than Tsukasa ever could be. He couldn't even begin to rival her in terms of acting or singing.

Mizuki and Rui know each other very well, too. When Rui was in a dark place, Mizuki helped make him feel better. And when Mizuki was in a dark place, Rui did the same. Their relationship was tighter and definitely more deeper than what Tsukasa had with him. And Mizuki was beautiful. They were pretty. They could sew, they could edit and do cool stuff that Tsukasa never could.

Tsukasa wasn't anything like them. He couldn't even begin to try and be like them. Because Tsukasa wasn't good enough. He wasn't good enough for anyone, especially not Rui. Rui didn't deserve someone as shitty as him.

Tsukasa Tenma was not special, no matter what he wanted to believe. No matter what people said to him, it was clear that Tsukasa Tenma was not special.

He never would be.

He would never be good enough for Rui.

Tsukasa didn't like thinking about these things.

He hated it when his mind started to belittle himself, stating the obvious just so it could remind him that you will never be good enough to date someone like Rui.

He knows.

Tsukasa already knows that. He doesn't need anything else rubbing salt in a freshly open wound that he was trying so hard to hide from everyone else.


The blond felt his eyes sting.

Come on, and now he's a crybaby, too.

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