Chapter 0 Pt. 2

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Yuma P.O.V

I approached the animal eared guy and he started to introduce himself

"I'll go first. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zilch Alexander" Then Zilch pulled out his Detective Deed with his picture "I'm from the Southern Forest Preserve District's detective agency. They call me Nature's Mediator. I love people, nature, and the harmony between them. However, there are time when some would attempt to ruin that harmony. My specialty is in handling those people. Have you heard of the claim of the mysterious murders surrounding the dam construction at Sol's Lake? Rumor has it that one by one everyone involved with the dam's construction died, all cursed by the a sunken ritual site. It was a once-in-a-century difficult case. The one who solved it was none other than myself. There wasn't much to it. The culprits were locals who wanted the rights to the dam for themselves. The strange part is that all 52 villagers were in on it. They all kept their lips sewn shut to protect the secret. I'll let you figure out what that means. When harmony between man and nature is disrupted, disaster strikes. That is one thing I have learned as a detective" Zilch said and I was in awe

'Nature's Mediator. He does look like a good detective. Though he suspected me, he still gave me a fair chance to explain myself... He looks a bit intense, but maybe he's a good person' I thought to myself

"I'll describe my Forte as well. I'm uncomfortable exposing classified information regarding investigators, but this is an emergency. My Forte is Animal Investigation. I can control animals as I wish and recruit them for my inquiries. Quite fitting for the philanthropist that I am. Though useful in many ways, I mainly use it to gather intel. It allows me to survey a target while remaining undetected. As a basic rule, I can only control four-legged mammals. Less intelligent animals are easier to control. I often use mice. They're the perfect animals for undercover investigations. Unfortunately, I can't show it off right now because there aren't any mice on this train" Zilch said

'Not only is he a good detective, but he also has those powers... He really is impressive' I thought

"That is all from me. With love, I yield to the next person" Zilch said

'Who should I talk to next?' I thought as I looked around, and my eyes landed on the girl with mismatched eyes 'Maybe I should talk to her next' Then I walked towards her


"Hm? Is something the matter?" The girl with mismatched eyes asked

"C-Can you tell me your name, please?" I asked and I felt my cheeks burn and I heard chuckling from the girl with mismatched mascara

"Of course. I'm Marie Rosehearts" Marie said as she introduced herself and showed me her Detective Deed with a picture "Well, there's not much I can say for myself, but I can tell you about my Forte. My Forte is Healing and Shadow"

"Healing and Shadow?" I asked

"Yes. You see the two different colors in my eyes?" Marie asked as she pointed at her eyes "My pink eye allows me to heal those who got injured, and my purple eye allows me to travel in the shadows. I'm occasionally assigned in assignments such as healing team or sneaking around in the shadows" Marie said

"Interesting. Can you tell me more about your Forte?" I asked and she started to think

"Oh! I can also see what other people can't see" Marie said

"What other people can't see?"

"For example, spirits" Marie said

"S-Spirits!?" I exclaimed and Marie chuckled with a sad smile

"Yeah. I know it's a bit creepy, so I keep that one to myself. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable" Marie apologized

"N-No, please don't apologize. I asked and you answered!" I said

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