
That day Liam had made a note to remember that exact smell and the way her nose crinkled when she giggled.

As if a hurricane of her laughter had erupted within his mind he prepared himself for the spinning sensation he felt when his mind spun out of his own grasp and he lost himself to the sound of every word she had ever spoke to him.

His eyes fell shut and he felt his grip tighten around the book. Flickers of her voice raced through his ears, soft and gentle words unraveling around him and flashes of her warm face imprinted themselves into the crevasses of his mind, staining his sanity and leaving him dropping the book as he tried to contain her voice.

Please. Please. He urged, reopening his eyes and blinking multiple times. Please stop. He just wanted it to stop. He was sick of hearing her voice when she couldn't be beside him.

Liam hadn't realized it but his breathing had picked up, leaving him breathless and panting in the secluded corner of the library.

"Sir, are you alright?" The voice of a curious woman pulled him from his thoughts and he struggled to catch is breath.

He glanced up, a thick blush coating his cheeks as he locked eyes with the librarian.

His head was spinning and his brows were furrowed as he tried to make out the words the woman had spoken. All he heard was Ray. Pressing his hands to his head he winced and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Stop! Stop!" He mumbled, opening his eyes and grabbing his book. Brows knitted together in pain he stood up and pushed his way past the concerned librarian and through the isles of books. He had to get away from her scent and he had to get away from her voice.

Once he pushed through the exit doors of the library and into the grey weather he took deep breaths, the wet air coating his lungs and he leaned against the brick wall for support.

For a while he just stood there staring out at the buzzing streets full of blank faces and yellow cabs. He tried to focus on getting ahold of his thoughts again. Flashes of her hazel eyes burned behind his own and he inhaled deeply, regaining control over his breathing.

His phone beeped in his pocket and he stood up straight, reaching in his back pocket to grab it.

From Louis:
It's 12:10 man. Where are you?

"Crap." He mumbled, glancing at the time on his phone before typing a quick reply.

To Louis:
Sorry. I'll be there soon.

He placed his phone in his back pocket and made his way through the crowds of people lining the sidewalks and pushed his way toward the small and quant little record store where he and Louis worked.

Louis was his best friend and he was the only person Liam liked to be around. Everyone else who knew about Ray treated him differently ever since what happened a year ago. He didn't like the way they treated him as if he were not even in the room. He hated their lingering stares and the way they insensitively mentioned her name in whispered conversations.

The rain had halted by now and he turned left onto East Avenue until he came across "Rickie's Records." The Open sign was lit up and he could see a few people scattered throughout the store. Louis was sitting on the counter with a bored expression. He wasn't supposed to sit on the counter. But then again, he was Louis.

The bell rang above his head as he entered the store, the familiar smell of vinyl records- whatever they smelt like- and cigarette smoke overtaking his senses.

He hated the smell of smoke but he'd rather smell it than sit in the library and be reminded of her scent.

"Aw there he is, Liam Payne in the flesh. Let me guess, you've been cooped up in that damn library all morning and you lost track of time?" Louis spoke, hopping off the counter, a smug look on his face.

Liam forced a small smile and peeled his damp coat from his body before walking behind the counter beside Louis.

Louis didn't understand. He didn't understand that the library was a place where he could sit and feel as if he were still with her...but how could he possibly know when Liam hadn't attempted to tell him that?

"Ha Ha very funny, Lou. It's not like I'm dying to rush to work." He replied, sliding a box of new shipments in front of him.

"All have you know, Li, I very much enjoy this place. Great music, being able to people watch strange customers, and I get a 15 minute cigarette break? It's the best job a man could ask for." He argued, his usual mischievous gleam glinting in his sea colored eyes.

Liam stared at his best mate for a moment before cracking a slight smile. Louis really was an ease. He didn't know how else to explain it. Louis just had this calming aura to him that drew people toward him. He always helped ease Liam when her memory was too much and when Dr. Stevens "counseling" stressed him out.

"Correction: it's a lunch break and secondly, smoking is horrid." Liam finally replied, a sour look overtaking his features. The entire concept of inhaling faulty air just disgusted him and he hated that Louis did it, but of course, he had no say.

"A breaks a break. And no, my friend, the fact that you still use the word horrid is horrid." Louis replied, smirking.

Liam sighed, suppressing a smile at their bickering. He opened the new shipments and began to unpack them.

"Whatever you say, Tomlinson."
H E Y!!!
So I'm REALLY excited to be writing this book and I PROMISE that I will pick up with weekly updates. I really really would LOVE some feedback on this story so far so PLEASE PLEASEPLEASE PLEASE feel free to leave some in the comments :):) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to the rest of the story!!!:) can we get at least 2 votes? I know it's small but it's a start and it means so much to me! Thanks for reading! I love youuuu💘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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