The Small Meetings

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Narrator POV:
Y/n was swimming out of her home area again. She saw Ikran's fly above her to the Metkayina Clan land. She was amazed and curious about the new Na'vi and the Ikrans. Time went on, and she saw them be taken to a Marius. She went back home to get scolded by her mom again. Then, the next day, she did the same thing. However, she noticed one of the new Na'vi start to travel out bound of the riff.

Y/n POV:
I was watching the new kids and three Metkayina Clan kids swim. There was this one who traveled away from them and slowly started to come out of the riff. I didn't know what to do since she would be in danger, but I am not allowed to be seen. I decided to just watch until I sensed danger. It was interesting to see her because the creatures would go to her. As if she is close to them. The next thing I knew, she was bonding with an Ilu. I was surprised as Ilu's are often not willing to bond. I watched it happen and her get on until I felt the presence of a predator speeding to her. Without thinking, I started to screech not enough for the Na'vi to get hurt, but she did hear it. However, it did damage her Ilu a bit before her Ilu swam away with the Na'vi on her. I knew if my parents found out, they would be upset, especially my mom.

Narrator POV:
Time went on, and Y/n continued to watch. She would see the girl get picked on. Same with her brother. One day, she sees the picking lead to a fight between the original Clan kids versus the new dark skin boys. She wanted to help, but before she did anything stupid, that would get suspicious. The Olo'eyktan and the new Na'vi's father had shown up. Later on, the boy who started the physical fight went to apologize. Which lend to him being in a predator area.

Y/n POV:
I was watching the youngest boy be strayed in the predator area. I was hoping he would leave back soon until he was attacked by an Akula. His Ilu got bit, which made it swim away. I would help keep the Akula from rapid hits, but I knew I shouldn't help any further because it would make me visible to him. The boy eyes would get hurt if I screech, so I could only do small ones at a time. Which didn't affect him, but he did hear them. However, the small ones did affect the Akula. I then felt the water move from a different spot where I felt another big animal coming. It was a Tulkun who killed the Akula saving the boy. I stopped doing my small screechs, for it didn't damage the helping Tulkun. I then left, cursing at breaking the rule again. The most important rule.

Narrator POV:
The next day, the boy was telling the group of kids what had happened. He even told them about the screech. The other girl who has heard the screech ears went up and moved as being alerted by the important. Her eyes widened but went back to normal, for no one could notice. No one did minus one boy. The boy had run off after they claimed the Tulkun was a killer. The girl chased after him. Then they spoke about the Screech sounds. They had gone out of the riff again but on their own accordance. Where Y/n had, of course, saw them.

Y/n POV:
Why are they out here. I thought that they would be more cautious about coming out here. I then heard a voice yell, "Payakan!" I realized that must be the Tulkan as I heard about its story. Truly tragic. They held on the Tulkun's wing as he swam to where him and the boy first met. I followed, curious about why they would go there. I then heard the girl yell, "What or whoever made the screeching sound come out, please!" I felt my heart drop, and my throat closed and not in the good way. I was scared that I had been caught, and they were saying it so loudly it hurt my ears. My eyes widened as I realized my family, my clan, could probably hear a bit and more if they tried. I had to go to the two kids and the Tulkun, for they would quiet down. I swam to them and popped up from the water. "Please stop yelling.." I could see the surpised expression on their faces.

Now that I see them closer, they are so gorgeous. I was admiring them when I heard, "Who- What are you?" I heard the girl say. I sighed and said, "I can't answer that." Then the boy saw my features. I looked at him and said, "Different, eh?" I saw him nod. Then the girl said, "Do you just have a tail..?" I looked at my tail and said, "Kinda yeah." I then said, "Please never yell about me or me saving you guys. My clan will hear you and my parents. I would ge in so much trouble!" The boy nodded and said, "Okay." I was looking up at them as they were looking down at me. I remember I had to go back home, so I said, "I have to go. I will talk to you guys again. Maybe..." I then left before any response.

Narrator POV:
However, Y/n never showed herself again. Maybe ever once in a while, she would have small talk with them, finding out their names. The two kid's family noticed them being closer and disappearing. The Olo'eyktan kids also noticed it. One day, they followed them and was surprised to see Payakan being with them.

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