Chapter 2 Crazy Pills

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"That's it? That's all it says?" Ferek rummaged through the satchel, though it wasn't very big. There was no other letters, no objects, not even a instruction manual on "What is going on in your life 101". Just, "Get on". Ferek stood there dumbfounded.

"Why send this, beast of a animal, for just a letter?" He said to himself, "And only to say 'Get on?'". He stopped, looking at the huge beast in front of him. Its back knee buckled slightly, but it stood tall. It puffed a large exhale, like it was getting impatient. He was considering getting on when he realized he was completely insane. He actually was considering getting on a giant bird, lion, whatever it was, and letting it take him to who knows where. No way, not in a million years. He put the letter on the table, and decided to shoo the beast away. He walked up to the beast and pressed his hand against its sides, trying to push the thing away, the beast turned and looked at Ferek, almost as if it was trying to tell him that it wasn't going anywhere.

Ferek stopped and thought to himself. He thought long and hard about what to do about the creature, where every one was, what's happened this morning, and he realized, out of everything going on right now in his world, maybe, just maybe, getting on this giant bird lion thing, wasn't as crazy as he thought.
No, it's still fairly crazy.

He decided he didn't have another choice.

And he was insane.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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