It's Just A Labral Tear

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"Of course. If you or your sister have any questions, please call us any time. Oh and Ms Yoo, you'll need to wear this for at least the next four weeks."

Dr Song grabbed a navy sling laying on her desk and stepped to Jeongyeon. She efficiently placed Jeongyeon's arm in the sling and adjusted it accordingly.

"The front desk will go over the forms for physical therapy. If anything changes with your shoulder, please come back in right away," the doctor said before dismissing them with her friendly smile.

"I can't believe this," Jeongyeon grumbled as they made their way to the front desk. "Two months of no baseball? How am I supposed to tell the girls?"

"It's not the end of the world Jeong," Seungyeon said. "Two months will fly by and you'll be back on the field in no time."

"That's easy for you to say. You're not the one with the torn shoulder." Jeongyeon continued to sulk. Her sister just rolled her eyes.

"You'll be fine you big baby. Now how about we get this therapy stuff sorted then grab some fried chicken for lunch?"

"Ugh, fine," Jeongyeon groaned, pretending like that was the worst idea ever. But they both knew Jeongyeon was a sucker for fried chicken.

"You can tell the girls to come meet us at the usual spot. I know they're dying to know what you found out."

Jeongyeon grinned and used her good arm to pull her sister into a side hug.

"Have I ever told you you're my favorite sister?"

"Nice try, but I heard you tell Soyeon the same thing the other night," Seungyeon said as she pulled away.

"Come on unnie, you know I had to say that because she's all alone in Japan missing us. You're my real favorite," Jeongyeon said, adding puppy dog eyes for the full effect.


"I hate you too," Jeongyeon replied, sticking her tongue out.

"I'll remember that next time you need someone to drive you to the hospital."

With only a little help from Seungyeon, Jeongyeon got physical therapy set up for herself. She was already dreading next Tuesday when her first appointment would take place. This was going to be the longest two months of her life.

Thirty minutes later, her and Seungyeon were at their favorite fried chicken place, waiting for the girls to show up. Jihyo had said they would be there soon when Jeongyeon had texted her.

"Yoo Jeongyeon, stop messing with that sling!" Seungyeon's patience was starting to run thin. Jeongyeon had been messing with her sling since they left the hospital. How could her 21 year old sister still be such a child?

"Sorry, it just feels weird." Jeongyeon gave it one last tug before leaving it alone. "Oh, there they are."

Seungyeon followed her sister's line of sight and saw the three girls they were waiting on enter.

"Jihyo, over here," Seungyeon called.

Jihyo led the way, with Dahyun and Tzuyu following her to their table. The girls immediately noticed the sling on Jeongyeon's arm and began their interrogation once they were seated.

"What did the doctor say?"

"How long do you have to wear that unnie?"

"Can you still play?"

"Woah, slow down," Seungyeon chuckled. Jeongyeon took a deep breath and broke the news to them.

"I have a tear in my shoulder. Doc says it's nothing too serious. I just need physical therapy and I have to wear this for a while," Jeongyeon finished, motioning to her sling.

"That's good," Jihyo said, sounding relieved.

"I'm really sorry unnie," Dahyun apologized again. She'd already apologized dozens of times over the past three days for hitting Jeongyeon's shoulder.

"I told you Dubu, there's nothing for you to be sorry about," Jeongyeon assured her. "You didn't know."

"Are you still able to play?" Tzuyu asked. All three girls waited expectantly, eyes trained on Jeongyeon and she felt bad for having to tell them the truth.

"I can't play until I get better."

"Oh. Well, how long will you be out? A couple of weeks?" Jihyo asked as she helped herself to a cup of water.

"Longer than that. My doctor said I'll be back in two months." Jeongyeon winced, waiting for their reactions.

"You're joking right?" Tzuyu said, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

"That's a lame prank Jeong," Jihyo said, rolling her eyes. Jeongyeon shifted in her seat nervously, adjusting the sling on her arm to give her idle hand something to do.

"That's because it's not a prank. I'll be in this sling for at least a month. And if therapy doesn't help, then I have to think about surgery, which will put me out even longer. There's no other choice. I'm sorry."

Jeongyeon hated that she was letting them down. They had big games coming up and needed their star short stop on the field. Now she was being forced to sit out and there was nothing anyone could do about it. The whole thing sucked.

"She's telling the truth," Seungyeon said gently. "If she doesn't get better, she could do some serious damage to her shoulder. And none of you want that to happen right?"

"Of course not unnie! We're just shocked. I mean, I can't believe it Jeong. I'm so sorry," Jihyo said.

"Yeah, unnie, that sucks you can't play with us," Tzuyu said with a frown.

Dahyun was already tearing up and that just made Jeongyeon feel even worse.

"Come on Dahyunie, don't cry," Jeongyeon begged, patting the girl's shoulder.

"But you've worked so hard for our game against the Velvets! And now you can't even play," Dahyun cried.

"That means you'll just have to work extra hard to win for me then. Think you can do that for me?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I can do that unnie."

Seungyeon pressed a few tissues into Dahyun's hand and the girl wiped her eyes.

"We'll win for you unnie," Tzuyu promised. Jihyo nodded in agreement.

"You better make sure to get better Yoo Jeongyeon," Jihyo said, pointing her finger at her best friend. "We can't have our short stop slacking off during therapy."

"Don't worry about me. I'll be back before the two months is up, good as new. Just watch," Jeongyeon said with a cocky grin.

"Alright super star, let's not jump the gun," Seungyeon said. "Let's see how therapy goes next week first. Now, on to more important business. Which chicken are we getting?"

Author's note: I'm still not entirely happy with the book title, but nothing better was coming to me. Expect regular updates since I have this story nearly finished. Thanks for reading!

p.s. Stream Do Not Touch by MISAMO or Jeongyeon will break into your house and pour a bottle of water on you while you're sleeping

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