Chapter 59: Announcement

Start from the beginning

"Meet us downstairs," Adan said to my guards just as the door closed. "So, have you set a date for our wedding yet?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "No, not yet. But I think it should be soon."

He chuckled, looking me over. "That's exactly what I was thinking. Maybe this weekend? The Blood Moon is approaching in two weeks, so we don't have much time. I don't want there to be any mistakes with you."

The elevator door opened on the first floor, and Adan placed his hand on the small of my back as we headed toward the Main Dining Hall.

"I don't want there to be any mistakes with you, either," I added. "Some wolves have more than one Mate, but not me."

He nodded, his eyes boring into mine. "Neither do I."

Two guards opened the huge wooden doors for us as we approached.

"Good afternoon, Alpha, My Queen." One of the guards said as we walked past.

"Good afternoon," I replied. When we were out of earshot, I leaned close to Adan. "I think we should lock ourselves away for the entirety of the Blood Moon."

He laughed, running his fingers through his hair. "I like the way you think." He motioned toward the head table where Mason was sitting. "Come on. Let's go."

Mason waved us toward him when he saw us, and Adan returned the wave, but we headed toward the buffet line that was set up for lunch. As usual, everyone stepped away from the buffet when they saw us approach.

But Adan held up his hands. "That's okay, everyone. Brenna and I can wait."

"No, Alpha," a wolf said, stepping back. "I'm not in that big of a hurry."

Soon, no one was getting anything. So, Adan and I walked forward, took plates off the bar, and headed down the line. Everyone stepped back up to the buffet once we passed.

Today, the buffet was filled with Reuben sandwiches, roast beef sandwiches, turkey, and more, along with French fries, fried potatoes, and varied fruits and vegetables. But there was primarily meat. We were wolves, after all.

After Adan and I loaded our plates, we headed over to the main table.

"Well, good afternoon!" Mason chirped, giving us a knowing smile.

"Knock it off," Adan growled, taking his seat.

I looked down at the table, and Hailey and Ember were sitting at another table, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes.

The other blonde that had been with Adan the night I heard them laughing in his suite appeared to be no worse for wear. She was sitting with her back to us, talking with some friends. I guess that when you've been a wolf in a Pack for as long as she has, it wasn't unheard of to sleep around, especially when you didn't have a Mate.

Adan looked up and followed my gaze. "Don't mind them. They'll eventually get used to the idea of us being together."

"Just don't sleep with them again." I sat next to him and took a bite of my Reuben sandwich, as if this were the most normal conversation in the world.

He stared at me for a moment as one corner of his lips curled into a sexy smile. "I don't intend to." Then he glanced over at Mason. "After we eat, let's meet to discuss the attack yesterday."

My head snapped up.

"Along with Brenna, off course." He gave me a small smile but was all business. "As the Luna of the Pack and my future Queen, she is now my advisor." Adan took a bite of his roast beef sandwich.

Mason looked between us and smiled. "So, have you two set a date yet?"

Adan smirked as he glanced over at me. "Well, you're going to have to ask her that."

Mason's eyes shot open wide. "So, it's official?"

A broad smile spread across Adan's face. "I asked her last night, and she said yes."

"Yes!" Mason yelled, capturing everyone's attention as he jumped out of his seat and raised his glass, turning to the Pack. "Everyone, the Alpha has an announcement to make!"

Silence filled the room as all eyes turned toward Adan.

"Well?" He held my hand, smiling as he looked into my eyes. "Shall we?"

I nodded. "Now's as good a time as any, I guess."

"Let's do it." Adan held my chair while I stood.

"If you don't tell everyone, then I will," Mason said under his breath, only audible to us.

"Luna Brenna and I just became engaged and plan to marry within the next few weeks before the Blood Moon!" Adan announced, a broad smile lighting his lips.

Hailey got up abruptly and stormed out, followed by Ember, her friend. She gave me a dirty look over her shoulder. Then it dawned on me. Ember was in my Glam Squad. She was my nail tech. Why she had never said anything before, I had no idea. But she was always quiet, did her job, and stayed to herself. But she is also a warrior. I made a mental note to have her taken off my Glam Squad immediately. I didn't know if that was how Hailey was finding things out about Adan and me or not, but I didn't want to know.

But I quickly pushed the thought aside, determined to focus on the announcement of our engagement. Everything else could wait.


A/N: So, what do you think will happen next? Comment below and let me know. :-) 

If you'd like to read ahead, this story is complete on my Patreon. I'd love to see you there!

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