A challenging plan

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Dadnumber2: Okay you lot we're going to be leaving at around 8am so we have to meet each other at around 5 because it takes yous hours to get there anyway.

Latinoartist: Hey we don't take that- yk what nvm because that is gonna bite me in the ass later so I ain't gonna even finish that sentence.

Emowhitegirl: Yeah probs for the best

Latinoartist: And what's that supposed to mean

Latinoartiststwin: I know she did NOT call us slow

Punkrebel: Here we go

Aichick: XD I am lovin this

Emowhitegirl: What you think you are faster than me?

Latinoartist: Yes

Punkrebel: Man's not even denying it fam

Emowhitegirl: Fine we're all having a race who ever gets there first wins and gets bragging rights

Latinoartist: Bet

Dadnumber2: Why can't we just have a normal day out?

Colorblind: Good question

Sassyai: The answer is we just can't

Dogrunner: God forbid we had one normal day

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