Prologue: Change...

Start from the beginning

Both of them quickly stiffened and looked at Sun with worried looks. Sun saw their expression change and let out a sigh, knowing they weren't going to like the news he was about to tell them, but he couldn't tell them everything, he swore to Pyrrha and even RWBY that he wouldn't tell them everything he knew, even though he felt it was wrong.

"Look, I can't tell you guys everything, Ruby's uncle said it was kind of top secret stuff... but Cinder Fall's still alive, and she working for someone really, really bad," Sun said.

This caused Nora and Ren's hearts to nearly stopped. Hearing that the woman who led the attack on Beacon and nearly killed their teammate was worrying, because they were sure, she was out for revenge.

"But don't worry, We beat Cinder and her goons! Saved Haven and Mistral and everyone's alright! Pyrrha even wanted me to tell you guys she misses you!" Sun said.

Nora smiled but sighed, "Wish she could tell us that herself..." Nora muttered.

Sun winced on the inside, knowing that the JNR members were not very happy with their missing teammate, and Sun couldn't really blame them, leaving your team and not telling them why was one thing, but not talking to them for over a year was another. He understood why, but to him that didn't make it right, Pyrrha was ok with RWBY getting involved but not her own team. To him, it didn't make sense. Sun then looked around only to see that one member was missing. "Hey... Where's Jaune?" Sun asked.

Hearing that Question, Nora and Ren looked at each other with nervous expressions before turning back to Sun who had a raised brow and was starting to get worried himself.

Away from Shade and inside the city's red-light district, which not only consisted of sex work but bars and even fighting clubs, and in one fighting club, Jaune Arc, leader of JNR was fighting against another person, both were using fists, and both were fighting savagely and the crowed over the pit cheered for more.

The man punched Jaune in the face and then punched Jaune in the stomach, however, none of it seemed to really faze Jaune as the blonde put a little bit of aura into his hands and swung at the man, punching him in the stomach and causing him to heel over and fall to his knees, Jaune then kneed his opponent in the face, sending them falling backward onto the floor.

The crowd cheered as they saw the man fall to the floor and not get up, and Jaune backed away as someone came out from the sides of the pit and went to the man to check if he was alive, which he was, and with that confirmed and the man not getting up, the blonde was declared the winner and the crowd erupted with cheers and Jaune left the pit, heading back up to the main bar. Once up at the bar, a man handed Jaune a stack of Lien.

"Nice going again kid," The man said, before walking away.

Jaune looked at the money, looked through it, and took out a 10 pocketing the rest and looking at the bartender, a middle-aged man named Arturo.

Arturo looked at Jaune, "What will it be this time, niño?" Arturo asked.

"The same as always," Jaune replied in a bored tone.

Arturo nodded and poured him a shot and handed it to the blonde. Jaune grabbed it and took a drink, as he did, he was approached from behind.


Hearing his name, Jaune set the drink down and turned to see Sun, along with Ren and Nora, after seeing who it was, he turned back to look at the bar counter. "Welcome back Sun, what can I do for you?" He asked.

Sun didn't answer as he heard the sounds of fighting down below in the pit and people watching it, he then turned back to Jaune and walked over to him and sat right next to him, and turned his head to look at his fellow blond. "What the hell are you doing here Jaune?" Sun asked with a serious tone.

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