Chapter 1

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It was around nine in the evening, and the candlit homes and closed shops signaled bedtime in the Kingdom of Oakington. Oakington was a rather peaceful kingdom, it was the home of many different species of animals, from the smallest mouse to the largest wolf. Although they were different species, many of the animals got along, some even opened a few markets and shops together.

But what made the kingdom so special was their King and Queen, the Millers. The Millers were chipmunks, but they were widely respected. Charles, their King, was a kind and gentle man, very friendly too. He was average height for a chipmunk, dark brown fur and glorious blue eyes. He knew many of the villagers names and also made unscheduled appearances as much as he could.

Charles especially loved the little children of his kingdom, he thought they were so sweet and innocent that they didn't deserve any harsh thing the world may have to offer. He adored them so much he would even host many of their birthdays inside the castle, and invite everyone in the Kingdom for a glorious celebration and to sing the child 'Happy birthday'. He would even make them King or Queen for a day, and all he wanted in return was to never see their smile fade. He always had a special place in his heart for children and dreamed of having kids of his own.

His wife, the Queen, was just as kind as he was. Before she married Charles, she was a simple villager like the rest, but not to him. Lily, was a very beautiful woman, she had auburn red hair that reminded Charles of the Fall, and gorgeous green eyes that reminded him of the Spring. Although she was a tad bit heavier than Charles, she never let that bother her, and neither did he. He was in love with the way she looked and never wanted her to change, and she never did. She was just a few inches shorter than him but her personality dominated him.

Lily was very outgoing and made new friends very quickly which is why their subjects quickly accepted her as their queen, she also surprisingly good at soccer, which shocked everybody in the kingdom, but she enjoyed the sport and would always attend the children's games and even join a few.

But what Charles loved the most about her was her love for literature. As much as she spoke her mind, she was very calm and enjoyed a bit of time by herself to read the occasional novel or two. She would even go to the clinic to read to the sick patients, no matter their age. She taught many different animals to read and write, and they adored her for it, gifting her many handmade or home-grown flowers or even bake her different pastries and gave her their recipies for different dishes. But the spending all this time around children caused her to have a desire for her own kids as well.

Charles and Lily loved the children of their kingdom with all their hearts but they would sometimes picture the child they were with as their own baby chipmunk, and it just increased their desire even more.

So, one sleepless night, Lily turned to her partner, "Charles? Are you awake, sweetheart?" She asked, gently poking him. "Yes, dear." He said, turning to her. "What is it?" "What do you think of the idea of having our own child?" She hesitantly asked. Charles stared at her for a good few seconds, he was surprised at the fact that she just openly said this. Lily looked at her husband with nervousness in her eyes, she knew he wanted kids too, but she just didn't know how soon he wanted a child. Charles could sense this, so he answered her question, "I would honestly love to have a child to call my own." He said. Lily's eyes started to fill with hope. "I absolutely love the kids in the village but to hold one that looks like me or you would be one of the best feelings in the world, and it pains me that I don't have that yet." He admitted. He turned back to his wife who was now frowning. "What's wrong dear?" He asked. "I-I didn't know you wanted a child this badly. I wish you told this to me sooner..." She said. Lily started to blame herself for keeping him waiting for a child for so long. She soon felt a warm hand being placed on the side of her face. "Oh darling, do not blame yourself. I would wait an eternity for a child of my own." He said. "And I would have it with no one but you." He then pulled her into a passionate kiss.

When they finally pulled apart, he caught the slight blush she had hidden under her fur, he smiled at this, then an idea popped into his head. "You know, I know of a doctor in this village, Arthur Lee is his name." He said. "Yes, what of him?" Lily asked. "We can visit his clinic tomorrow afternoon and discuss a plan to concieve." He said to her. A slight smirk appeared on his wife's face as her blush increased. "Or... we could start right now..." She seductively suggested, pulling him closer. Charles blushed as well as he accepted her offer and continued their kiss. He soon started to gently move down to her neck as she giggled at the feeling, and things started to quickly escalate as the two were now locked in a loving desire for each other and the hopes of a baby chipmunk being made in the process.

It was now noon, and the couple was making their way to the clinic. They could have traveled in a carraige, but they always preferred by foot. This gave them a chance to experience the small shops and greet their subjects, and they enjoyed the stroll together because it gave them a chance to enjoy some time to themselves. After a bit of a walk, the royal couple finally made it to the clinic and knocked on the door.

A somewhat skinny chipmunk opened the door to greet them, and had a look of shock on his face to see that the King and Queen had come to his clinic. The King and the doctor were friends but never truly had the chance hang out together because Charles was always planning a birthday or tending to his royal duties.

"Charles!" The doctor exclaimed. "What a pleasant surprise!" "Hello Arthur! Long time no see!" The King said pulling Arthur into a hug. Arthur turned to the Queen, "Lily, looking beautiful as always." He politely commented and gave her a friendly handshake. "I'll take your coats, have a seat." Arthur offered and the couple handed their handmade coats to the man. They were a gift from one of the villagers for their birthdays.

Once the coats were carefully put away, Charles and Lily sat down at the dining room table. Charles saw a picture of Arthur and his wife in a small frame. His wife was in a wedding dress and Arthur was in a tuxedo, it was taken on their wedding day. He then remembered hearing that they were expecting sometime last Summer, but that was it. "So where's your wife?" Charles asked Arthur as he sat down. As he asked this he soon saw Arthur's face turn into look of depression. He was quiet for minute before he silently said, "I don't know..." Tears began to fill his eyes and as Lily saw this, she got up to comfort him. "What do you mean?" She calmly asked. Arthur turned away. The King took a seat next to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can tell us," He said. "We won't tell anybody if you don't want us too." Arthur looked at the King's comforting face and began to sob.

"She found out we were expecting a child last July and asked if there was a way to... 'get rid of it'." He said between sobs. Charles and Lily had a horrified look on their face when he said 'get rid of it'. They couldn't imagine wanting to hurt a child, let alone hurt your own. "I had to lie and say I didn't know how. I wanted this child so much!" He cried, causing Lily to hold him harder. "She gave in and said that we weren't going to keep it! That we were going to send it off to an orphanage because she didn't want children! And when I refused, we got into an argument and made me choose, her or the baby!" He sobbed even more. "Who did you choose?" Asked Charles, he was full of pity for this man having to make a horrible decision. "I chose my child of course! It may sound wrong but I couldn't let my child be raise by someone else!" Arthur said. "But in the process, I lost the only woman I ever loved! I can't believe she left..."

Charles and Lily never felt so badly for another animal before, sure he got one of life's greatest rewards, but he lost the love of his life, the person he was supposed to raise his child with. Charles looked at the crying chipmunk in front of him. "Do you think you made the right choice?" He asked. Arthur looked at the King. "Of course I do! I just wish I could raise Simon with her." He said. "It's a boy?" Lily asked. Arthur nodded, "One of the most beautiful baby boys I've ever delivered." He said, his tears stopping at once at the thought of his child.

"Would you like to see him?" He asked.

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