There was tension from the diners, and staff I almost didn't feel. It was like everyone was waiting for something to happen without giving voice to what the varied things they must've felt. Getting up after paying, I saw a few faces and saw a mix of hope, dread, and everything in between.

That tension wouldn't be relieved, at least not right away. Both Atlantians, and Viridians were in talks with world governments both making the same accusations against each other. And both claiming they could prove it.

Their rules of war were clear when dealing with a potential plant to take. They had to be invited to land, first. That didn't mean they followed the rules. But came close to holding to them.

The press followed us to work in their vans with no sign of federal agents, or any government people. Drones were most likely being used to watch us with no way to know. Given the ridiculous notion one of us was in contact with at least one of the aliens, anything was possible.

Driving down the drive to my job site, Deputy Barlow's there in uniform to make certain no press crossed his property line. The absence of everything that shouldn't be there brings a smile to my face. I don't get the same excitement Willie does finishing a house, but there's satisfaction knowing the work was complete.

I get out of my car, and open the trunk to where everything waits, including my hardhat. My phone rings before I can reach for anything. I look to see the number's blocked and send it to voicemail. I'm not going to be late for a scam, which is what blocked calls always are.

Rather than sending the blocked call to voicemail, I accidentally answered it.

Just like with the aliens, it wasn't accidental. God had me answer that call. Nothing else explains an action not being taken I took too many times to accidentally hit any other button.

"Glad you answered, Alex," a male voice came over the phone with no face to match.

A wrong number's better than listening to a scam, before ending the call.

"Look," I say to clarify.

"I know you're still upset about what happened," he said before I had a chance to say anything. "It never should've happened. I was on your side, but he doesn't always listen. You know him. Sometimes takes my advice, but not all the time. You shouldn't have been fired. I told him that."

His words came out too quickly for me to say anything. I thought about hanging up. But didn't want him to think I was whoever that Alex person was. All I could do was wait until he gave me an opportunity.

"President's asking all of us what we should do about the aliens. Both want to land in small crafts, but not if the other does. This was always your area. You were the one who believed they were out there. What do I tell President Silva? I need an honest opinion, Alex."

My initial response is someone's playing a joke on me, but whoever that Alex is might have a close enough number to mine to have called me. If it is real, better to let the unknown person know. It wasn't close to my area.

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