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weeks had passed and the two were still going strong.

well as strong as you could in a fake relationship.

the two were aware of their real feelings of love for each other. but they were happy with what they had now.

it was lunch time and jisung glanced around for minho. he knew minho hated the cafeteria because of the amount of people, but he still wanted to see him.

he hadn't seen his minho at all today. or yesterday.

"looking for your boyfriend? he was in the art room when i left. i think he eats alone in there. but he could sit with us, i don't know why he doesn't."

jisung remembers when minho told him that he thought his friends didn't like him.

"he's very shy, lix. and he thinks none of you like him."


felix stood up, looking rather offended as he thought of himself as a best friend of minho's. he stomped off and jisung muttered a 'fuck' as he went after him.

he slammed the door open to the art room and minho gasped. "minho! you! we all love you! come sit with us in the cafeteria!"

minho's eyes widened as felix took his packet of gold fish crackers and grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the art room.

he shot jisung a terrified look as he was pulled into the cafeteria. he saw all the eyes on him when he entered with jisung and felix, and felt a hand grasp his free one.

jisung gave him hand a tight squeeze as felix brought them to their lunch table. he was sat on the end, next to jisung and quietly ate his crackers.

they all laughed loudly while jisung rested his hand on his palm and fondly stared at minho with his cheek smushed against his palm.

"oh my god, ji. you have such heart eyes!"

minho dropped his forehead on the table and jisung rested his hand quickly under so his head wouldn't smack the table.

"you just have like a 'look' whenever you see minho. it's heart eyes but incredibly stronger and more full of love."

"just kiss already!"

the two hadn't kissed yet. minho motioned for jisung to come closer, whispering in his ear.

"meet me in the bathroom."

minho got up, throwing away his garbage and heading to the bathroom. jisung stumbled, jogging after minho.

when they got to the bathroom, minho grabbed jisung's hoodie, pulling him into the last stall and locking it.

"i figured we should kiss eventually, right? i- i just didn't think you'd want to talk about it there."

jisung gripped minho's hips, pressing their bodies together and against the wall. "can i?"
at minho's nod, he placed his lips on minho's and sighed.

the older brought his hands up to connect at jisung's nape and tilted his head slightly. since he was so shy, he never really got involved in relationships or sexual activities.

but now, it was almost expected since he was 'dating' jisung.

jisung pulled away, dragging his lips down minho's jaw to his collarbone and minho squeezed jisung's shoulders.

jisung felt calm. he didn't know why. but kissing minho made him calm. when he kissed other people, he was bored or felt a thrill.

not that he wasn't absolutely thrilled that he could kiss a person as beautiful as minho, but he never felt so calm.

"j-ji-" minho gasped when hands were holding his bare waist as jisung mauled his neck. minho felt extremely overwhelmed and needed a minute to breathe.

"ji- wait-" at the older's tone, jisung instantly pulled off and cupped his cheeks. "what? were you uncomfortable? shit, did i overstep?"

as jisung rambled, minho leant his head back against the stall and sighed. "no. you were fine. i was just getting overwhelmed."

jisung nodded, leaning against the opposite side of the stall. he eyed the toilet and then minho before chuckling.

"imagine while we were making out, you slipped and fell into the toilet."

minho's jaw dropped, as jisung continued laughing. "you little-" a smile formed on his face as he realized jisung was trying to help him calm down with a joke.

"thank you."

jisung nodded, before smirking. "does this mean i get to kiss you whenever?" the latter rolled his eyes, internally screaming at how flustered he was.

"i guess so."


the group was sat at the cafe, minus minho, when chan spoke up. "ji? did you want to ask minho to join us? we all want to meet him."

"oh," jisung pulled out his phone, clicking on minho's contact. "yeah, i can call him." as the phone rung, jisung smiled softly when he picked up.

"hey, min. me and the group are at the cafe by the school, did you want to join us? they want to meet you."

"uhh, i'm awkward, ji. i don't know if that's a good idea. plus, you guys are popular, i'm not."

"you don't have to join if you don't feel comfortable, the invite's there."

minho hummed. "okay. send me the location and i'll be there soon." jisung beamed, and the group watched in amazement at how happy jisung was.

about 10 minutes passed and jisung saw minho enter the cafe. and oh my god did he look cute.

his gold rimmed glasses that rested on the tip of his nose, jisung's fluffy purple hoodie that went below his waist, his black sweatpants which jisung was pretty sure were also his and his black converse.

"min!" jisung waved him over, and he took a deep breath before walking to the group. jisung patted the chair next to him, and minho sat.

"hi, minho. i'm seungmin, this is jeongin." the brown haired boy had a soft spoken tone, but minho heard stories about seungmin and his insults.

minho nodded, hearing a voice from across the table. "you're pretty quiet, huh? unexpected for jisung to go for someone more introverted since he's so loud."


"what? it wasn't meant to be rude. i'm just saying." the blonde rolled his eyes as he leant back in his seat.

minho knew hyunjin hated him. he was supposed to be the leader of the dance crew, but minho won instead.

the rumour went around that minho slept his way to the top and he didn't care enough to deny it.

"just surprises me that you're the same in one aspect." hyunjin smirked as he saw minho's glare.
"sleeping around."

minho glanced at his lap, gulping as jisung's hand gripped his thigh. "so? i sleep around, jin. what does it matter if he does?"

"he slept his way to leading the dance crew, jisung. he fucked half the teaching staff."

minho squeezed his eyes shut, standing up. jisung felt horrible. he was excited for minho to meet his friends, but nothing goes as planned.

he left the cafe, ignoring the calls that disturbed his silent phone. he heard rushed footsteps behind him and a hand tugging his wrist.

"min, please. wait. i'm sorry, i- i don't know why he was acting like that."

"it's okay, ji. he's right. i think we should end this." no. no. no.

"no. there's no reason to." jisung knew minho would ignore him if they stopped. he couldn't have that. "we're good, min. really good."

jisung rested his hands on minho's waist, pulling him so their chests rested against each other. "min, please. i'm having a good time with you. i don't want it to end."

minho buried his face in jisung's collarbone as his arms hugged him tight. "okay." he whispered it.

athlete and the uni student | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now