𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨

Start from the beginning

He pulled out you seat, and you sat down gracefully. "Thank you, handsome. Such a gentleman." You smiled at him. 

Yami couldn't take it anymore. He watched you as you talked so gracefully with the other captains. You the way your body moved so smoothly made something in him flutter. He wanted to tell you how he felt. How he loved your personality. How the fact that you are strong and always doing the most to protect others, turned him on. But he never found the right words or the right time to confess. So he just kept quiet and waited for the time to come.

"So how have you been, Y/n." Yami asked you, giving you his full attention. He loved making eye contact with you. He found your eyes mesmerizing and wished he could just stare into them all day. Plus, your voice, it was all he needed to get his body filled with energy.

Just like him, you turned to him while resting your face on you hand. You tried your best to hold eye contact. "It got so much better when I walked in here." Oh how you wish you could just sit and talk to each other for hours. Every time, it feels like all your worries go away after you hear his voice.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Because, you're here. You tend to brighten my day." This made Yami's heart feel like it skipped a beat.

"Same to you," he said trying to play it cool, "Too bad we don't see each other often."

This light up an idea in your head.

"What are you doing after this?" You planned to spend the rest of the time after the meeting with him. If he was being genuine, this could be a way to get to know him better.

     "Schedule's clear,"

     "All right then, after this, you and me spend some time together." You couldn't believe how easily you had said that. You were feeling bold but at the same time scared. What if he didn't want to go?

     "Are you instigating something?" He smirked while checking you out in a playful way. Making sure you weren't playing with him.

     "Not at all, I just want to hang out with my favorite colleague, I can't just do that?"

     "It's only okay if I'm you're favorite"

     "Who else would it be?"

• • •

     After the meeting, you both left together. You both ended up walking around the capital. It was late in the afternoon, so the usual crowd was decreasing. You both talked about recent missions and experiences you've both had lately. It was comforting to talk to another captain about your work. Sometimes it felt like it was overwhelming, so letting it go by talking about it all, felt good.

     Later on, you both made your way over to a pastry stand. Your eyes glowed as you saw all the sweet desserts you wanted to try. Yami noticed this and made a mental note that you had a strong sweet tooth.

     "You what something?" he asked you.

     "Yeah, but I don't know what to get, it all looks good..."

      He checked out everything and one small cake caught his eye. He isn't a person who's into sweet food like you, but he was willing to get you something to make you happy.

     "Would you want that cake? I mean it looks good."

     "Isn't it a lot? I'm not going to eat it all"

     "No problem, let's share."

      He ordered the cake and with the little money he had, he payed for it. You both walked around eating the cake. It made you nervous. It was starting to feel more than just a casual thing. Or maybe you're just delusional. Either way you felt those damn butterflies again and you tried everything to hide your fluster.

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now