No One likes A Bully

Start from the beginning


The girls went over to visit Brooke because she made the cheerleading team! 

All of the girls were sitting on the couch asking Brooke about cheerleading.

Nia: Is Cheerleading different than dance?

Brooke nods, Then Y/n asks the question that is on everyone's mind. 

Y/n: Is the teacher Nicer than Ms. Abby? 

Brooke: Yes!

Paige, Nia and y/n get up and show Brooke a cheer that they made of their own, and everyone just laughs. 

All of the girls start to express how much they miss Brooke, because she is like a big sister to them and the team is not the same without her.

Maddie: Do you wish you were coming with us this weekend?

Brooke: No, Because I am going to a football game. 

Maddie: Do you want to come back to dance?

Brooke: I don't know!

*Three days till the Competition* 

Abby was helping the girls with their solo and after she was done she called Kenzie and y/n in.

"You both are going to be doing a duet that is going up against your sisters and you want to beat them right?" 

Both of the girls nod. It would be really good for the girls to beat their sisters because then Abby would have to let them be back on the top of the pyramid.

"It is all about you two so you have to own the stage, let's go" 

She tells the girls that y/n will come out on the stage first and then Kenzie and from there on they both will dance together. Which means that all there turns have to be in sync together. 

There is a lot of partner work in the music so y/n and Kenzie have to stay focused on being together. 

From the turns, to the back handspring, to the round off back flip, Abby wanted them to know that everything had to be right or they would not win at the competition, and she would have their heads if they forgot anything and ran off the stage.

After their rehearsal both girls were dismissed and Abby went to go work on the group dance with the other girls. 

"All eyes will be on you girls, so you better win!" Abby yells as the girls run out of the room

*Up with the moms*

Jill: You know it's crazy because they are all different ages but they're all the same height, and then we have big Payton.

Jill: I just really hope that Payton doesn't look too big, I just don't understand why Payton is back in the picture.

Leslie: Call me bias I am her mother, I think she is a better dancer, I am going to say she is a better dancer than Kendall with this style.

Leslie: I think that Payton being picked as the bully, as the lead-

Christi: But she got that by default!

Leslie: Well Jill they could have given it to Kendall but they gave it to Payton, and I think that Abby made the right choice. 

Jill: She originally picked Kendall over Payton to dance with this group, and my fear is that she will kick Kendall out of this group because, Originally she didn't want Payton to be part of this team.

Jill: And there had to have been a reason behind that, and I hope it doesn't affect the group in the long run that's all.

Leslie: Then why do you think they put her in when they could have put someone else.

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