" There will be no need to resume," Daphne said, causing everyone to turn around and look at her " The duke and I are to be married." She said sadly, and everyone began to look around confused except for Jo, as she was ecstatic.

" Time for the needle." The doctor said, and didn't give Jo a chance to compose herself before he stuck it in her skin, causing her to cry out in pain, and hold on tight to Collin in the process.


" Hurry!" Daphne whispered, as the two quickly tried to remove their riding clothes and back into their night gowns ( Jo having to borrow one of Daphnes since hers were torn and bloody).

" I'd love to if I wasn't shot an hour ago!" Jo whispered back, as she tried to shimmy into Daphnes nightgown, causing Daphne to rush over and help her.

" Quick JoJo!" Daphne urged, as she fastened the last part of night gown and jumped into bed.

" Stop rushing me Daph! You know I don't respond well to pressure!" Jo said as she climbed into bed along side Daphne and closed her eyes pretending to be asleep.


" Good morning, miss'." Rose said, as she entered the room with Alice preparing to ready the ladies for the day.

" Good morning, miss'." Alice smiled, as Jo and Daphne yawned pretending to wake up.

" Hello Ladies," Daphne smiled, sitting up " Has my mother yet awakened?"

" I believe so miss," Rose said, as she opened up the bedroom curtains " She's retired into the morning room."

" With a nasty headache I may add." Alice added, her eyebrows scrunched worryingly, and Jo and Daphne looked at each other trying to suppress a smile.

" Alice Dear," Jo said, climbing out of bed ( trying not to damage her stitches) " Do you know if my aunt retired home safely."

" Yes Miss she did," Alice smiled " And your father will be returning home later today I am told."

" Thank you Alice," Jo smiled back, and then turned her attentions towards Daphne " Shall we see your mama?"

" Yes." Daphne nervously said, as she began fiddling with her dress.

" But my Ladies," Rose interjected " Will you not ready yourself?"

" No need Rose dear," Jo smiled, and hooked her arm around around Daphnes " Only a dress robe I say, we shan't be long."


" Ready?" Jo whispered to Daphne, as she tucked a rouge strand of hair behind Daphnes ear.

" Ready." Daphne whispered back with a tremble in her voice, before she took the hand Jo was using to tuck the piece of hair behind her ear and held it as they walked into the morning room.

" Are you feeling better, dearest?" Violet sighed, as Jo and Daphne walked into the room " Perhaps I, too, caught whatever it was that sent you home early from the party, I have a terrible headache indeed," And dapped a wet cloth on her forehead, while Daphne nervously shuffled about.

Jo saw this, and squeezed Daphnes hand before sitting on the love seat in front of them ( due to her stitches still aching).

" What is it?" Violet said, noticing this interaction and Daphne inhaled quickly.

" I am engaged." Daphne quickly blurted out.

" Oh!" Violets eyebrows raised, and anyone with eyes could clearly see that she wasn't thrilled with the news " Well, that is wonderful news. So, you will be a princess!"

" No." Daphne shook her head.

" No?" Violets eyebrows raised even higher

" No, I will not," Daphne stated " Mama, I am engaged to the duke," Violet Bridgerton was more than confused at this statement, she even looked over to Jo in the chair across from her for some in spoke answers " The duke asked for my hand, and I accepted."

Violets confusion quickly turned into happiness, but then back to confusion again when she didn't see any excitement from Daphne.

" You do not seem pleased. Whatever is wrong?" Violet urged.

" Oh no, no-nothings wrong!" Daphne brushed off " It simply happened so quickly! I've not had a moment to take it in," Violet then shot a look towards Jo, who had taken this time to lean over and take a macaroon from the table in the middle of the two women and nodded in agreement with Daphne.

" But I am overjoyed mama, truly." Daphne said, as Violet stood up ams walked over to her to embrace her daughter.

" Of course you are!" Violet said, bring Daphne into a loving hug " You are to be a duchess! Oh darling!" However over her mothers shoulder, she gave Jo a look that said ' Oh dear' " I knew there was something between you! Ruse or not! Well tell me, tell me everything! How do you feel?!" She then brought out a fan and began to fan herself quickly.

" So in love." Daphne said after a pause, and Violet laughed " Im unsure how I can be expected to wait an entire month to marry," and she shot Jo a look " Could we not obtain a special license to marry this week? I do not wish to lie to you... but the duke and I-"

" You do not need to tell me anything!" Violet quickly said " Whatever happened between the two of you, it is all right. I know good society makes quite a fuss about such things," She looked at both Jo and Daphne " But when it comes to love, such things happen more frequently than one might expect, even your father and I, we had trouble controlling our passions as well, and don't think your parents didn't have their troubles controlling themselves as well Jo," She said turning towards Jo who was making the greatest effort not to listen to this part of the conversation " Your mother and I would gossip all night about the the things we got up too!" She giggled."

" Your drink, ma'am." Wilson said, entering the room.

" Will not be necessary, Wilson. I am feeling much improved! We have a wedding to plan, in three days!" Violet beamed " My darling girl, you are getting what you always wanted, you are marrying for love!" She hugged Daphne once again, and yet again Daphne shot Jo a strained look.

The Bridgerton and the Countess ( Collin Bridgeton)Where stories live. Discover now