"I-" Peter didn't know what to say, "What's going on?" He questioned. He understood, to a certain level, that this was probably about Spider-Man and his interaction with the rogues in the previous battle, but he didn't know what had transpired while he was asleep. Mr Stark didn't respond, instead pinching his brow and turning his face to the ceiling. Peter rarely saw him this openly stressed as the man would usually hide it under sarcastic comments and excuses, so it set Peter extremely on edge. This was obviously more serious than he had previously assumed. 

Harley began explaining in Tony's stead, probably understanding the older man needed to gather his thoughts at this moment. "Captain Dickhead wants to put out an arrest warrant for Spider-Man. And not a normal one; a SHIELD level warrant, meaning he basically wants the Avengers to hunt you down and capture you, like a fucking animal." Harley said with frustration very clear in his voice.

Peter paled at the thought.

He allowed himself a couple seconds to let the information sink in. The first thing he realized is that it hurt. His childhood heroes thought of him as a threat. They believed him to be dangerous- someone deserving of being hunted and locked away. Had he really failed his duties so badly that people thought he was a villain? He would never hurt anyone. He didn't even hurt the bad guys he webbed up. He always used minimal force and non lethal weaponry. The next thing he felt was anger.

Who the hell did the rogue Avengers think they were? Demanding his arrest? Storming in and acting like they know what's best, after the broke the law and became fugitives? Peter accidentally let out a scoff, and Tony hummed in agreement.

"I told them," Tony said with quiet rage, "That Spider-Man was under my advisement. I told them that you're harmless, that you're looking out for the little guy. You help old ladies cross the road for god's sake! And they still believe you to be a threat. They need their fucking psyche's checked." He began cascading his hand through his hair. They had long since reached Tony's private level, but they remained in the elevator. Peter had a sneaking suspicion that this was to prevent the rogues from calling it back to the lab and following them. 

The three of them stood in silence for a couple moments longer before Tony ushered them out of the elevator. Peter had an extremely bad feeling settling in his chest, and the look on Mr Stark's face was not helping.

He blew out a breath and wiped a hand down his face while turning back to Peter. "Alright kid. You are gonna hate me, but this is for your own good. No more Spider-Man till this blows over." Tony said, his tone leaving no room for argument. Peter felt like the air had been knocked out of him as he gaped at his mentor.

"Are you kidding me?" He practically yelled, "No! No way! People need me- People need Spider-Man! I'm not just going to cower away because the rogues think they have the right to arrest me. They aren't the law- even if they were, I evade police officers all the time! You can't take away Spider-Man." Peter glanced desperately at Harley, hoping to be met with some kind of support. Instead he saw him smiling sadly back at him. Peter's breathing had sped up considerably and he was close to begging at this point.

Mr Stark put his hand on Peter's shoulder, effectively grounding him. He looked desperately at the man in front of him and shoot his head softly.

"Please," Peter whispered, "Don't do this."

"I'm sorry Pete." Tony replied, looking more genuine than Peter had ever seen him. He could tell that Mr Stark didn't want to do this. He knew how much Spider-Man meant to Peter and he knew the guilt complex the boy had often rivaled his own. 

Tony let go of him and walked away, leaving the two boys by the elevator. 

Peter was too flabbergasted to move, still feeling like his body hadn't quite caught up to his brain. He felt a hand slip into his own and the warmth grounded him. He looked towards Harley who towered over him. The blond gently guided Peter back into the elevator and took them back to Peter's room. On any other occasion, Peter's heart would be palpitating at the prospect of Harley holding his hand and being so close to him, but he was struggling to feel excited about anything at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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