chapter 1

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"Come on Mia!" my mom called to me from the kitchen. She was summoning me there so that we could head out to go back to school shopping. Something I was very much dreading.

I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed and showered in under two minutes. If my mom agreed to stop for an iced coffee on the way, then I could do this. I was just not looking forward to it.

I threw on my loose black Batman tee and some plain black athletic shorts. "Ready Mom!" I called out. I slipped out of my room and down the stairs. The first thing I see when I enter the room is a mound of boxes, and our family dog Miles staring up at me.

We had just moved into this house in Michigan, and that is the exact reason I was dreading school. I was going to be the new girl. New school, new neighbourhood, new everything. Ughhhhhhh. Those were my only thoughts on that subject.

My mom breezes into my view, jangling her keys. "Ready babe?" I nod my response, and we head out the door. 

I step onto our front walkway, towards our family Bronco, when I hear hushed voices from nearby.

I look up to see a boy around my age leaned up against an old truck, facing me. Eyes boring into my existence. That's not all though, between me and this guys stare, is a blonde girl a foot shorter than him feeling him up. His attention keeps flitting to me, but my mom says something that snaps my attention back to her.

I wish I could tell you what my mom was trying to say to me, but I was very much distracted by this mysterious boys stare. Well not really his stare. More like his hotness. I looked at him for all of 15 seconds, but I could already tell he was one of those guys. You know. He's definitely the type that knows how attractive he is, and will use it to his advantage. He's the type that knows just how much a lazy little smile from him could do to a girl. He was dangerous. I had fully decided that I wasn't going to let another boy (especially one like that) distract my thoughts again anytime soon when my mom chimed in with, "Your Aunt Stacey and Jude are coming for dinner tonight."

This got me to widen my eyes at my mom excitedly. I loved my Aunt Stacey. And I especially loved my cousin Jude. One of the only reasons I didn't run away and change my name when my mom told me my family would be moving to Michigan, is because Jude would be here. I would get to go to the same school as Jude, and live in the same neighbourhood. That was such a comfort to me. I'm also pretty sure Jude will know where all the good parties are.

I convince my mom to stop for a coffee on our way to shopping, while I try to veer my curiosity away from that stupid boy I saw earlier.

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