The Beauty and The Punk| Falling Crowns

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»Chapter One«

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP I groaned turning over in my bed stopping my alarm clock. Why the fuck did school have to start so early. I rolled out of bed and walked over to my closet. I put on my white button up and pulled on my mint green sweater fixing my collar. I placed a matching flower crown on my head put some black skinny jeans on and white converse.

So put your hands in the air and don't make a sound but don't get the wrong idea we're go- I heard my phone ring looking at the caller ID it said Peej. "Hey Dan." Pj said sounding like he was walking to school already.

"Hey Peej. So why are you calling me?" I asked slightly frustrated as I couldn't find my backpack. "I was wondering if you had the notes for our history test today." I groaned remembering that we had that fucking test.

I get relatively good grades but I don't know why I take notes; I never study them unless I absolutely have to.  "Yeah I'll give them to you at lunch" I said "Thanks Dan!" He said hanging up. I sighed still searching for my backpack that had somehow gone missing. I had searched around for it until I found it hidden behind my closet door with my sketch pad falling out.


I walked into my first period class Geometry  sitting down in my seat and taking out my notebook and drawing doodles all over the paper. "Morning Howell." a voice said taking his seat which was next to mine. Phil Lester.

We had been ok friends in middle school but soon got driven apart due to 'status quo' you may say. We have learned a few things about each other over the years but we will talk on occasion.  "How may I help you Lester?" I asked not looking up from my paper.

"I was just being nice can't you return a friendly gesture?" He asked smirking and putting his book bag down. "Good morning Phil." I said sighing. He chuckled and his tongue poked out of his mouth. "Nice flower crown of the day by the way." he said paying attention to the lesson. I felt a blush going to my cheeks and I hid my face using my fringe. Why was I blushing? I

The door of the classroom opened and a boy walked in. "You must be Chris Kendall. Take the seat next to Pj." Mr. Williams said pointing to Pj. Chris was kinda cute if I was being honest but he's not my type. But I could clearly see Pj ogling him instead of paying attention to the lesson.


Class ended quickly and we got homework that I couldn't understand but I will just have to ask Peej for help or something. I was walking down the hallway to go to art, my next class, when I saw Ricky and his 'friends' by the lockers I immediately turned around speed walking down the hallway when I saw that they had noticed me.

"Why are you running fag?" I heard him yell at me before running trying to catch up with me. Once he had caught me he pinned me to the lockers. "What the fuck do you want Ricky?" I asked him getting really tired of this shit. "The gay flower princess thinks he can talk to me like that" he cackled in a mocking tone with his mates.

"Fuck off Ricky." I sneered. Out of nowhere there was a sudden pain in my stomach and I fell to the ground resisting from letting out a cry of pain. I curled in a ball holding my stomach letting out a single tear "Look the fag  is crying" One of Ricky's mates said kicking me in the stomach and legs, leaving with Ricky laughing as I sat on the floor crying.

I heard footsteps coming towards in the opposite direction that Ricky's gang left. I was too scared to look up as the person was in front of me. "Howell what happened? Fuck, you're bleeding" I looked up and saw it was Phil lifting my shirt and sweater up to see my bleeding wound "Can you walk?" He asked me and I slowly shook my head.

He grabbed under my legs and my back and picked me up bridal style walking to the bathroom. When we were there he gently sat me down on the sink. I went through my backpack pulling out a first aid kit and handed it to Phil.

He took it and got sterilized wipes and a plaster. He rubbed the wipe on my wound and I hissed slightly at the stinging pain. He threw the wipe in the bin and grabbed the plaster and put it on my wound. "Do you think you could walk a little?" He asked me packing the first aid kit back up and putting it back in my bag. I tried standing up but felt immediate pain in my legs.

He stood me up putting my arm on his shoulder and putting his arm on my shoulder supporting me so I could walk a little. When I stood up my flower crown fell off my head and Phil reached down grabbing it and placing it back on my head. "My house is only a street down I need to change my shirt" I said quietly and he nodded.

On the walk to my house , more like limp for me, my phone rang and it was Peej texting me

Pj: Where are you?! I don't see you in class? Are you ok?

Dan: I'm fine Peej don't worry

I texted him back quickly then turning off my phone and placing it in my pocket. "So you like Fall Out Boy?" Phil asked obviously from my ringtone. I nodded "I also like Muse, Panic! At The Disco, and My Chemical Romance" I said hiding my face in my fringe. "You do? I do too!" He said laughing his tongue sticking out of his mouth. He must have noticed me looking at him do that and he covered his mouth with his free hand.

"I hate doing that" he groaned. "I think it's adorable" I said quietly. He must have heard me because he was blushing slightly. "You know I actually miss having you around" he said coolly "as a friend you know." he shrugged. "This is it " I said pointing to my house he nodded and guided me over there.

I unlocked the door and Phil helped me walk upstairs to my room and he waited outside my door until I was finished getting dressed. "Can you walk now?" He asked. I nodded "Yeah, I feel a bit better I guess" I shrugged still having pain in my stomach and leg.

"Thanks for ya know helping but we should be heading back to school." I added staring at the floor and he nodded.

Instead of walking back he called a taxi and we returned to school. Hopefully unnoticed.


When we arrived back it was the beginning of lunch and I went to Pj and I's table sitting down with my food. Pj didn't even notice me, but was staring at the new boy who was sitting alone at another table. "Hello? EARTH TO PJ" I said waving my hand in front of his face. "Huh what?" He said looking away from Chris.

"Why don't you invite him over here to sit with us?" I asked him and he blushed and shrugged. He walked over to him shyly but I couldn't make out their conversation but when Pj came back he had Chris next to him and they sat down across from me next to each other. They kept giving each other glances when the other wasn't looking and upholding their own conversation. "I'll just leave you two alone." I said smirking and left both of them blushing while I got up and threw my food away.

I saw Phil sitting alone listening to music from his earphones. I sat across from him and he noticed me after a second and look up "Again, thanks for helping me." I said quietly so he could hear. "Glad I could." he responded "So how are you feeling?" he asked. I nodded "My legs are fine but I might have a bruise on my stomach for a while" I said before taking out a bag of malteasers. I put some in my mouth and them moaning quietly at how delicious they are. Phil looked at me smirking and raising on eyebrow.

I blushed slightly before eating some more. "So you're just going to sit there having oral with some of your candy but you aren't going to share with me?" He asked laughing slightly. "Fine you have to catch them though" I said teasingly aiming a malteaser at his mouth and threw it.

He caught it expertly and smirked eating it and licking his spider bite piercings. Damn that was sexy. I thought to myself. Out of nervousness I fixed my flower crown on my head and fixed my hair. Did I really just think that Phil was sexy?

That's the first chapter! Yayyyy!!! It was a bit short but oh well. Phan fluff coming your way in the next chapter :D

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The Beauty and The Punk |Pastel Dan, Punk PhilWhere stories live. Discover now