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Four days after the two teenagers had smoked, and those four days they hadn't attended school either. Y/n had a valid excuse, sort of, that she had some family matters to see to and she couldn't attend school for the rest of the week. That was a white lie, as she didn't need that much time to deal with any 'family issues'.

Kaito? He was just lazy. Y/n had said she wasn't going to school, so he decided that he didn't need to grace the school with his presence either. Y/n had tried many of times to convince him to attend school, but he refused like a stubborn child arguing with his mother. That was a problem on its own, but what really got her was the fact that he decided to stay at her house those two days.

The thing about Y/n is, she's not a very sociable person. She doesn't have a problem talking to people and has very good communication skills, but her social battery just isn't that durable to be very honest. By durable I mean, it doesn't last very long. She enjoys her alone time, she enjoys silence and she enjoys doing things in her own company. She's a peaceful being with a very loud mind, so she couldn't handle external noise too.

But kaito didn't understand that, he's clingy. So he's currently sat on her living room couch and playing video games on her tv. She stood at the staircase, having just woken up. Still in pyjamas and having a bad case of bed head. She glared at him, not quite pleased to be seeing him this very early morning. She wore a red plaid pyjama pants and a black t-shirt with green socks that had marijuana leaves on it. Classy. She stood there like a ghost for a while before she spoke.

"Kaito." She said, her voice soft yet a bit hoarse from just waking up. She rubbed her eye with one hand, keeping her stare on him as she stood there. She had things to do today, actual things to do, and she didn't have the tolerance to have kaito do them with her. "Why're you still at my house? Didn't your mom call already?" She asks, sighing in exasperation.

Kaito turned his head for a brief second, glancing at the freshly awoken girl as she stood at the bottom of the staircase. A grin spread across his face, one that she hated to see because it had a teasing undertone. "Morning, sleeping beauty." He said teasingly, looking her up and down quickly before turning to the tv screen again. He knew she wanted him to leave already, but he refused to do so as yet.

"Uhhh, she did. She said I need to be home by dinner time tonight or I'm grounded for a month." He said in such a nonchalant manner, as if it was the most casual thing ever and a regular occurrence. His eyes were on the tv, only giving her a little bit of his attention. Y/n felt herself become annoyed again, but she quickly calmed herself down. It wasn't worth it to get upset when he would be leaving tonight.

"Okay then." She said flatly, turning away and sighing. She walked slowly and sluggishly to the kitchen. She felt immense fatigue as it was nearing the end of the week, and she always became like this near the end of the week. She walked into the kitchen, groaning and walking over to the fridge. She pulled the door open, her eyes tiredly scanning the contents of the fridge for something to have for breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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