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   Feeling so mesmerized by the atmosphere,the young girl sat on a wooden bench relaxing her body as she watched birds and butterflies flying high above the ground. they seemed so happy and so was she,the flowers and few trees in the garden sent cold fresh air unto her skin. oh she was going to miss this garden,for the day had finally come when she was to be taken away as a bride.

   As a girl,it was a blessing for a parent to find a suitor for their daughter. it brought blessings to the family and it was expected for the female child to honour the wish of her parents. most times the female child would become reluctant and eventually ends up being rebellious but she wasn't at all,infact she felt lucky to be chosen. she was going to be an important person,what was more pleasing than for a lady to be noticed,respected and admire. yes,she was going to have those three honour and live was going to remain beautiful for her. a smile creeped up her face and then she heard her mother called out to her

"lisa" as her mother was fond of calling her. she turns to see her mother standing at the garden exit looking at her with a face that proved that she had being smiling endlessly.


"They are already here. come so i can oil your hair,u must look your best today" her mother said still standing at the exit door.

"oh mother i always look my best."

   Elizabeth stood up from where she sat and walked up to her mother with a smile on her face.

   Mrs wilfred placed her hand on her daughter's hair fondly. mrs wilfred had always admired her daughter's thick, long red-coloured hair. elizabeth was the only one with such a coloured hair in the whole of the kingdom of auhti.

   As a result of such unique beauty elizabeth managed to stand out among her peers right from a tender age. elizabeth was known to have big round eyes that were grey in colour,small pointed nose and small pink lips,she had a v-shaped head that made her look perfectly stunning at every side.

   The people knew her as the red beauty of auhti both far and near but elizabeth was yet to be seen by the whole kingdom of austro,for she had never left her hometown before,but things were going to be a little different,she thought to herself.

   Unlike elizabeth her parents had dark long hair and they were also very beautiful,thick and soft. elizabeth mother especially had a round-shaped head and round dark eyes,her skin were soft and looked very fragile. mrs wilfred was a woman of beauty and she adores it.

  Both women walked into the living room where mr wilfred was busy talking to a man dressed in a royal guard attire. that must be a royal guard, elizabeth thought to herself. the guard had brought tributes and gifts from the king and was here to escort the young lady to the kingdom of austro-central to become one of the kings many wives.

  On seeing two gorgeous women walk into the large room the guard almost lost his posture.the kingdom of auhti was known for it's beautiful women and the royal guard had already prepared his mind to avoid distractions but what he was beholding was from a different level especially from the red-headed girl who he already could tell was the king's chosen wife.

   "oh,here comes the two flowers in my life" mr wilfred said as he stretched out his hand towards them.

  "Father" Elizabeth slightly bow. the royal guard bowed as well towards her,he couldn't afford to continue to admire the king's future wife,for the consequences was beyond death.

   "my daughter,your suitor has sent this guard and many others who are outside awaiting you. the people of auhti are on the street waiting to greet and celebrate you as their queen,how else could you possibly make me proud,but as you are my only child,it is difficult for me to see you leave so soon" tears began to welled up in mr wilfred's eyes,it was obvious that sending his daughter away from him wasn't am easy decision.

   Suddenly,it dawn on elizabeth that she was actually leaving,not just her parents but her friends,her kingdom and her life. the thought of being four kingdoms away from home caused fear to grip the young lady's heart,but she quickly gathered her emotions and spoke

  "Father,am not going too far from home,i will just be few meters away,you can come and visit and likewise can i, please don't worry too much about me for the king had promised to take good care of me,so why should u worry?"

   Mrs wilfred looks at her daughter with mixed expression on her face"let's walk you outside "she said.

   The servants opens the door and the first thing they saw was a big carriage made with pure gold that was decorated with flowers. two iron carriage was behind and they were for the maids that were sent by the king to tend to her during the journey to austro-central. ten soldiers guarded the back and ten more were at the front,specifically five other soldiers were placed at her carriage,on both sides.

They all bow

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