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"Wait so you guys are fake dating" mason says looking confused. I nod I just explained everything to him.

"I actually think it will work you know, this is sick I've always said you and Jude would look good good together" he says I laugh

"You do know it's fake not real" I tell him

"Whatever trust me , it will be real" he says

"Ew never would I actually get with him" I say feeling sick of the thought

"We'll see" he says with a smirk

"But you have to make sure you don't tell anyone" I tell him making him pinky promise he won't.

"Swear I won't, you know I never break a pinky promise" he says.

We arrive back to my apartment I get out his car and grab coco waving bye to mason.

I'm lying in bed scrolling through my phone when a message comes through from an unknown number


who's this?

you literally gave me your number today

Ohh yeah hi Hayden

who tf is Hayden?
This is jude

😭I'm only messing, yes jude what do you want

Haha so funny🙄
be ready tomorrow we have to go out

no thanks

why u so difficult, your acting like I wanna go out with you.

lol calm down 
fine I'll be ready

opened .

great I have to spend tomorrow with Jude, I turn my phone off and get ready for bed I need all the energy I can get to deal with him tomorrow.

My alarm wakes me up, it takes me 40 minutes to get out of bed cause I kept falling back asleep. I have a quick shower and get ready just as I'm done I get a message from jude


I head outside and mentally prepare myself, I get in his car and he drives of, he didn't even acknowledge me but I'd rather that to be honest than hear him talk.

We've been driving for about 10 minutes I get curious where we're going.

"Where we going" I ask

"You'll see" he says bluntly

"Why can't you just tell me where we're going" i say

"Why can't you just wait and see where we're going" he says back I roll my eyes he's so annoying

"Why do you always have to be so difficult" I say back

He laughs" your queen of being difficult" he says

"No I am not" I say back, I am not difficult he is

"We're going for breakfast" he says

"Was that so hard to just say" I reply

Faking it -Jude Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now