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After 12hrs on the operation table ,zayn was finally out of immediate danger and he was to a private room where he was to receive post surgery care.

Niall was tired and scared for his friend. He was not supposed to be this Hurt. He was not supposed to be in this condition it simply wasn't part of the plan and watching him sleep calmly, Niall really hoped zayn could wake up soon or every single plan would be ruined.

It was around 10am in the morning when officers came by to see if they could take a statement from Zayn as a standard procedure to help with the investigation.

Two male officers entered Zayn's ward accompanied by a female nurse from earlier. They took Niall by surprise when he was checking on zayn's vitals.
"Good morning officers, how can I help you?" He asked with a confused look on his face. "Hello Doctor my name is Detective Julius and this is my partner Detective Erisa" introduced the Detective "We work with the Homicide and violent crimes department and we are here to check if the patient is in a condition to give a statement about the what happened to his family last night."

"Oh I'm Dr. Niall Horan and the patient is under my care"
The door was opened and Louis entered the ward arguing with the nurse who was restricting him from seeing zayn.
"I'm sorry sir but Family and authorised personnels are allowed to see the patients in recovery. "Said the nurse annoyed at the rude boy infront of her.
" I'M TECHNICALLY THE ONLY FAMILY HE HAS LEFT AND I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW HOW MY COUSIN IS DOING" screamed Louis still not understanding why this murderer was still being treated like he mattered.

A moment of glee swept over  Niall. He couldn't believe their luck. Louis brought himself here voluntarily and Niall knew he couldn't blow this chance even if zayn was still unconscious.
" I'm so sorry sir please forgive my nurse she is only doing her job. But you came in at the right moment because I was about to update the officers on your cousin's condition. " Niall said professionally.
"Officers?" Louis took a look around the room and sure enough there were two men late forties not dressed in uniform but with badges hanging around their necks. He looked at them and scoffed turning his attention back to the doctor.
" OK when is he waking up to pay for what he did?" Asked Louis impatiently.

"Sir I'm so sorry to inform you that Mr. Malik has slipped into a Coma. His blood pressure dropped for too long during surgery and now we are not sure when he will be waking up." The doctor explained "as you can see officers I'm not sure the patient is of any help right now."
" OK thank you Dr. Horan. Please inform us of any changes. Feel free to contact the station or us these are our business cards." Detective Erisa said handing Niall their business cards.

They turned and looked at Louis who was still shocked and speechless after the announcement and said. " Hello sir we didn't introduce ourselves, This is Detective Julius and I'm Erisa. You said you're related to the victims and we would like to ask if you're willing to make a statement instead we would like to know what you meant by pay for what he did."

Hey guys it's me again. Thanks for the comments I am gonna try to update atleast once or twice a week. I hope you guys keep commenting I love to read your opinions


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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