Bonus reaction

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Some of the shipgirls are teleported to some kind of movie theater

Enterprise/ where are we

Author/ *after explaining*

Author/ so just watch

Battleship 2012 final battle

The crew of JPJ ride back to shore on her lifeboats

Hopper/ doesn't end like this

Nagata/ what do you want us to do... we have no ships left

The shipgirls mood turns dark

Hopper/ we have one

Hornet/ huh

Que shot of Missouri

Hopper/ we got a battleship

Whales/ battleships are still used in the 2010s

Missouri/ today they are

Nagata/ are you crazy thats a museum

Hopper/ not today

The mood in the theater brightens

Crewmember/ this ship is 70 years old she's completely outdated, firing systems are all anologed, engines haven't been started in a decade which would be fine but their steam which I have no idea how to fire up, even if a had a manual and months to go over it we don't have enough crew to man this thing... I don't know what your thinking commander

The ships are silent

Arizona/ I feel something's going to happen

Then the Missouri's original crew appear

Arizona/ called it

Old commander/ is everyone alright

Hopper/ yes sir... you men have given so much for your country and nobody has the right to ask any more from you... but I'm asking

The shipgirls are silent

Old commander/ what do you need son

Hopper/ we need to borrow your boat

Que battleship recommissioning montage

Cleveland/ they actually did it

Nagata/ hopper

The alien mothership is seen in Missouri's path

Nagata/ I didn't think that would move

Hopper/ me neither

The alien ship slowly rises out of the water showing it true form

The ship girls get tense

Hopper/ art of war

Akagi/ art of war?

Hopper/ fire control weapon status

Raises/ aimed at target

Hopper/ train all 3 turrets to 2-1-0

Arizona/ but that's the wrong direction

Raises/ but sir that's the wrong direction

Hopper/ I'm well aware of the raikes

Raikes turns Missouri's guns to starboard

Crew/ what the hell is he doing

Crew/ he's losing his mind all over again

Enterprise/ the commanders done crazy stuff before?

Hopper/ hard left rudder

Crew/ hard left rudder aye sir

Missouri starts to turn and the alien ship also starts to turn

Ayanami/ they must have a plan

The alien ship fires bombs

Hopper/ drop the anchor

Everyone/ wait what

Hopper/ drop it now

Nagata/ we're gonna die

Hopper/ we are gonna die

Hopper/ I'm gonna die, your gonna die

Hopper/ we're all gonna die

The ship girls get tense

Hopper/ just not today

Missouri stopped by her anchor just in time and the bombs barely miss her bow

Hornet/ they actually dodged it

Crew/ let's drop some lead on those mother-

Hopper/ fire

Missouri fire at the alien ship and severely damages it

Everyone is amazed

New Jersey/ realistic, the Iowa class is powerful

Hopper/ reload reload

Crew/ port side armed

Hopper/ release the anchor

Missouri releases the anchor and starts moving again but the alien ship fire more bombs

Hopper/ incoming incoming

Missouri's AA guns destroy most of the bombs but some get through and destroy her rear turret

Crew/ you alright

New Jersey/ they ain't gonna sink that battleship no way

Crew/ they ain't gonna sink this battleship no way

Hopper/ hit it

Missouri continues to fire damaging more of the alien ship

Hopper/ give it everything you've got

The next rounds destroy the force field generators which come crashing down the the alien ship

Que shot of Nimitz

Admiral/ I want every available plane on this ship in the air now

Que shot of alien ship sinking

Enterprise/ that actually worked

Nagata/ I can't believe that worked

Hopper/ yeah art of war fight the enemy where they aren't move like water after all these years it finally just clicked

Akagi/ oh that's what he meant

Nagata/ but that's not what it means

Hopper/ really

Nagata/ not even close

Kaga/ bruh

Missouri uses her last round to destroy he aliens communication post but the alien ship fire her last weapons buzzsaw like robots

Everyone/ No no no no no

Then the saws are blown up and Nimitz planes arrive and finish the job

Crew/ cheering

Ship girls/ cheering

Modern Warships in Azur laneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang