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ji-wan slowly put her hand out, palm facing up. the girl widened her eyes and quickly scooted backwards in panic. ji-wan flinched but she took a deep breath before reaching out her hand again. "don't worry, i won't hurt you. were on the same side," ji-wan said softly and smiling gently. the girl looked hesitant but ji-wan was patient and eventually, the girl moved forwards slowly. the girl timidly put her hand in ji-wan's as she made her way out of the cabinet.

"i'll hold that," deok-joong said all of a sudden, moving towards the girl who gasped and grabbed onto ji-wan's arm. ji-wan looked at a shocked deok-joong before looking at the girl who seemed to be holding onto her for life. "let me get that for you," ji-wan said softly, grabbing the rifle out the girl's hand so it's easier for her. the small group made their way out of the building. when the sunlight went onto the girl's face, she gasped before burring her face into ji-wan's shoulder and wrapping her arms around ji-wan's.

"it's okay. it's safe now," jiwan said comfortingly, making the girl look up a bit but she was still hanging onto ji-wan. they slowly made their way towards a clearing. bo-ra and the rest of the group walked down just in time to see the other half of the group walking over with a strange girl. bo-ra raised her eyebrow when she saw a random girl latching herself onto ji-wan. as they came closer, ji-wan saw a short brick wall. "sit here," said ji-wan, holding the girl's arm but she only whimpered and leaned closer. ji-wan felt a bit uncomfortable at the closeness of the girl.

ji-wan's classmates noticed that she was getting a bit uncomfortable. bo-ra gritted her teeth before she was about the rip the girl away from ji-wan but yoo-jung stepped in before she could. "why don't you take a seat," she said, trying to reach out but the girl only moved closer to ji-wan. "uhm...here," said ji-wan, sitting down on the floor so that the girl would follow as well. "it's okay now. all the spheres have been killed," sergeant won-bin said comfortingly. yoo-jung caressed the girl's back, "what happened?," she asked. the girl slowly turned to look at yoo-jung before she turned to look at the other students who were circling her. "is this a dream?," she asked.

the other group came closer to them, at first it seemed like they were comforting a girl but they couldn't pinpoint who the girl was. "i think they also have survivors," said deok-joong, making ji-wan look back. "don't step on her," the girl whispered. ji-wan turned back to look at the girl and where she was looking at. ae-seol widened her eyes before quickly stepping off of a corpses' arm. "don't step on her," she said more clearly. "i'm sorry," she said. the girl started breathing deeply before crawling onto her feet before walking over to the corpse.

"don't step on her. don't step on my friend," cried the girl. all of a sudden, the girl started holding her head and started screaming. bo-ra quickly moved to ji-wan and helped her up. "are you okay?," asked bo-ra, holding ji-wan close. ji-wan looked up at bo-ra with doe eyes. she nodded, not being able to speak. everyone turned to look at the screaming girl who only shouted louder and louder. bo-ra held onto ji-wan's waist tightly, pulling her closer. from further away, na-ra looked at the two with hawk eyes. the girl screamed one last time before falling over into chi-yeol's arms. everyone gasped a bit before the other group rushed over.

— at shelter 8

bo-ra seemed to be glaring daggers at the new girl's back as she clung onto ji-wan. "you shouldn't be plotting the murder of a survivor," said ha-na. bo-ra clicked her tongue, "why is she sticking to her like that. ji-wan is probably uncomfortable," said bo-ra. ha-na raised an eyebrow, looking at the the girls walking ahead of them towards the hospital.

na-ra, who had not taken her eyes off of ji-wan, observed the two carefully. she had a bad feeling about the girl that was clinging onto ji-wan.

— timeskip

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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