She was shorter than me so her head reached my chest.

Growing up I use to think she was a giant, but I guess I'm one now.

She pulled away from me and wiped her tears.

"I want you to take care of yourself, Haze. Never forget the life lessons I thought you."

"You don't have to do this, Elle."

"I do," she said. "I've been getting favoritism my whole life. It's time I get some suffering for once. Plus, I'm sure whoever he is won't be so bad. Perhaps we might fall in love and have cute babies together."


I didn't believe it. She is probably going to end up with a man twice her age who beats his children for fun.

"I want you to be the greatest football player America has ever had. I want you to make your name so big that no one will ever wonder who you are. I want you to aim for further than the stars. I want you to get everything you deserve. While you're doing so, never forget who you are."

I nodded. "I promise I will do that for you, Elle."

"I want you to go to prom and make things right with Eve."

I furrowed my brows. "How did you-"

"I talked to her. You're in the wrong here Haze and I know you know it. Do it for me. I want you to be happy so bad that I'm volunteering to go to Italy with dad. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Be happy. Have love for the both of us."

"But she doesn't-"

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Once you two are meant to be together, you will find a way."

"Elianna!" dad shouted.

"I'm coming, papa!"

She hugged me. "I'll text you when I land. Take care."

With that, she left holding back tears.


"I told you to wear a pink tie!" Ashley shouted at me.

"I don't have any!" I shouted back.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just remember to smile."

I nodded before coming out the limo and opening the door for her. She wrapped her hands around my arm and we made our way through the flashing lights.

Everyone greeted us and stopped to take pictures with us. They treated us like we were king and queen.

"Everyone loves us, Haze!" Ashley excitedly said.

She was happy and getting exactly what I promised her.

The doors opened and I had to do a double take.

I pinched myself for a minute. I think I am seeing an angel.

She was dressed in a sparkling, long, white dress which complimented her skin and body beautifully. Her glass shoes reflected her dress and sparkled as well. Her long, dark hair was curled in the neatest way possible.

Her nails were white with silver designs and her jewelry was sparkling as well. She was a star tonight.

The makeup on her face was a rare sight but it was beautiful. She was beautiful.

I closed my eyes as I felt a hard coming along.

"Who the hell is that?" Ashley glared.

I swallowed hard to calm myself down.

"Eve," Jason answered. "Are you okay there buddy?"

I nodded aggressively as I opened my eyes.

She was now surrounded with her three friends.

Some guy walked up to her and started talking. My fingers rolled into fists as an unfamiliar anger took over me. Without thinking I started to walk off but Ashley grabbed me.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" she shouted.

As I watched Ashley, it all started to hit.

Elle was right. I know that now.

I know who exactly I want and I don't want to keep her a secret anymore.

I'll do what I promised Ashely, nothing more.

Andrea cleared her throat. "Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention?"

Ashley grabbed my hand as she grinned. "It's happening Haze! She is about to announce prom king and queen!"

I smiled. "I know."

"Are you guys ready to know who this year's prom king and queen are?" Andrea asked and everyone cheered.

She pulled out the results and read them. "This year's prom queen is...Ashley Barnes!"

We all clapped as she ran up to be crowned. This was her moment. This is what I promised her.

"This year's prom king is...Haze De Luca!"

Everyone cheered as I went up to be crowned.

From the stage I could see Eve cheering for me with a smile on her face. She didn't resent me.

I know what I have to do now.

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