Green n Purple - Textin' and Callin'

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After a long stressful day, Purple was in his room, awake in the middle of the night. The silence in the room was loud, and Purple could only be able to see because of the small bit of light from the moon shining from his window.

He sighed, resting his head on his pillow. He suddenly heard his phone vibrate, and he looked over to his phone. He sat up, and grabbed it to look at what had popped up on his screen.

"Hey, Purple, I saw that you were online just a few minutes ago and I thought you weren't good. Also, you've been acting strange 2day."

It was Green who messaged him that.
Purple wondered, why would Green be worried about him at such a late night? So he texted him back.

"Green, why are you still awake?"

He texted.

"I just am."
"And why did you text me in the first place?"
"Because you were online a few minutes ago."

Purple sighed, but thought again. Why would Green check up on Purple? If he was a different person, he would think Purple just woke up to check his phone or some sort. But no.

"Why do you want to text me, anyway?"
"Dude, you barely even stay up this late. There's gotta be something wrong."

Purple's eyes widened a bit to Green's concern. He didn't expect Green to act like this, especially when its in the middle of the night.

"Can we call for a sec?"

Purple texted him, and sighed. Green replied with a thumbs up emoji, and started to voice call Purple, and obviously, Purple picked up.

"Hey, Green.."
"Hi, how've you been, Purp?"
"Not too well."
"Oh, what's wrong?"

Purple could feel himself nearly breaking into pieces, but chose to try and keep his composure.

He started to talk about the negative things that have been blocking his way today, which caused Green to listen to him.

Green started to understand more about Purple's day, as he felt a bit concerned listening to Purple's words. He couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"And, that's basically it. Not too much, its just an ordinary bad day."

Purple finished explaining, which made Green stay silent for a few seconds.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, Purple."
"No, it's fine. But, thanks for letting me vent out all the problems to you.."

Purple chuckled a bit awkwardly, but he tried expressing his emotions towards Green as much as he could, telling Green that he was such a good friend for being there for him, even at a late time.

"It's absolutely no problem, Purple."

Green chuckled through the call, and sighed.

"Well, could you try and sleep now, for once? It's gonna get pretty late, and you're gonna wake up being grumpy."
"Oh, yeah, right. Like you don't do that as well."

Green and Purple chuckled softly at each other, letting both of them have a little laugh together on call.

"Well if that's so, goodnight, Purple."

Purple smiled, and looked back at the call on his screen before ending it.

"Goodnight, Green."

He hung up, and layed down on his bed. He smiled softly, putting his phone on a counter near his bed, and closed his eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.


amount of words: 548
this is kinda short.. 😭

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